Lexington Auto Body Work


Sep 18, 2009
Hi Guys,
I am in the Lexington area and am needing to have some minor rust repair / auto body work done. Its not an insurance claim and will be paying out of pocket so I want to go as cheap as possible. Anyone have any recommendations for a place that does good work and is reasonable.

There is a body shop there in Lexington I have used several times for the rusty hoopties I had sold..The place is called "cheap as possible rust repair." They have exclusive patents on their repair techniques and because I am a "friend" to the sister of the owner I will pass along this exclusive technique..

1. They open and extract all rust from panel..(rusted area of vehicle)
2. After rust is extracted they flush open rusted area with copious amounts of degenerated alcohol..(this removes any moisture)
3. They spray open area with rubberized sealer..(prevents rust from returning)
4 They stuff area with double ought steel wool (plastic coated kind)
5 they cover steel wool (plastic coated kind) with a mix of "JB" weld mixed to the consistency of peanut butter
6 After JB weld has dried, they use a coarse rasp to mold into the shape of original panel
7.Last but certainly not least they use computer optics to custom match car color for the rubberized smooth finish coat. (the rubberized finish coat will not allow new rust atoms into metal,they simply bounce off)

Hope this helps, I have been very happy with my results..

This post was edited on 3/23 11:21 AM by 55wildcat
Originally posted by chris42503:

Hi Guys,
I am in the Lexington area and am needing to have some minor rust repair / auto body work done. Its not an insurance claim and will be paying out of pocket so I want to go as cheap as possible. Anyone have any recommendations for a place that does good work and is reasonable.

I've used Bluegrass AutoBody with no complaints.

I've also heard good things about the place at the very end of the dragstrip - at the intersection of Enterprise Dr. Can't recall the name of it, though.
Most rust repair you get done will come back within 2 years. Any shop can do it so go grab a couple free estimates and go with who you like most.