Let's Chop Some Wood !!


A rain moved thru Boyle/Casey an hour ago, likely headed northeast.
Also we’re the visiting team in this game make it make since NCAA
That is 2 games in a row we are visitors. Can someone explain why. I thought best seed got home.
That is 2 games in a row we are visitors. Can someone explain why. I thought best seed got home.
Had to look it up myself:

First round the higher seeded team is home. After the first round the team who was home the least times is home. When both teams have been home an equal number of times a coin flip will determine the home team.
How many fewer runs should he give up?
He’s gotten by on good d today. Against a better, or less taxed team, this could be a battle. I still fear our pitching will do us in eventually. This team typically has to put up 10+ runs to be safe. Pooser has been the only exception.
In the 6th I was shouting at the TV in my local Sports Bar, “Mingione is a F@&king Idiot.”

Two innings later I was shouting “Mingione is a F&$king Genius!”
I was kind of the same way, I was thinking, why is he leaving Moore in the game? But Moore and the rest of the defense pulled it out and held the shutout.
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Moore did not have his best stuff last night, but the kid is all guts. He was recovering from sickness, got behind in the count all night, but toughed it out.
I watched the press conference last night and found out that Moore was so sick the day before that they had him in IV fluids and bed rest. I thought it was amazing that he rebounded like he did. Great kid!
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