Lamont Butler is a player

sucks that he is injured
It sucks all right, but am I the only one that thinks he needs to protect that shoulder while playing?
I just figured he wouldn't throw himself after the ball exposing his shoulder that way!

He is to valuable to put himself in that position, and now I honestly think he is done. I saw the look on his face when he realized he had reinjured it.
Realize I'm being Captain Obvious, but he really is the key to how far we go in March.

Much better overall player than I anticipated.

💯 I hate injuries, but especially this one. We are being robbed of the one season we get to watch him at UK. And it just might ruin our post season hopes
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Butler gives 100%. I’ll never doubt his heart. The replay I saw didn’t look that bad … more like he tweaked it than he re-injured it. I’m no doctor but I sure hope he comes back … soon.
If you've ever injured your shoulder, banging your elbow is extremely painful. The replay I saw looked like he ONLY hit his elbow hard on the floor. But he couldn't lift his left arm while coming off the floor. Hope it isn't serious.

We REALLY need him to win in March!!!! He is a WARRIOR!!!!
If you've ever injured your shoulder, banging your elbow is extremely painful. The replay I saw looked like he ONLY hit his elbow hard on the floor. But he couldn't lift his left arm while coming off the floor. Hope it isn't serious.

We REALLY need him to win in March!!!! He is a WARRIOR!!!!
Couldn’t agree more. I have hurt my shoulder and I agree with you. I’d be cryin’ in the corner because it hurt so bad but hopefully Butler’s tougher than that. Shoulder pain hurts soooooo bad. GBB.
Butler gives 100%. I’ll never doubt his heart. The replay I saw didn’t look that bad … more like he tweaked it than he re-injured it. I’m no doctor but I sure hope he comes back … soon.
Man I hope your right. No doubt he gives 100%. I really love his heart and effort. We need him, even if we get 80% of the butler we are used to.
And if he does, he needs to make that shoulder #1 priority. Something just as valuable as his on ball defense,is his ability to break extended ball pressure.
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It sucks all right, but am I the only one that thinks he needs to protect that shoulder while playing?
I just figured he wouldn't throw himself after the ball exposing his shoulder that way!

He is to valuable to put himself in that position, and now I honestly think he is done. I saw the look on his face when he realized he had reinjured it.
I know what you’re saying, but a guy that plays the way he does isn’t thinking that way. He is reacting out of nature with no regard for the consequences.
Butler is a “dog”. After Ulis he may be my next favorite PG we’ve had the past 40 years.
Butler is difference maker for this UK team! He plays so hard and has such an impact on a game. The guy came to play tonight.
Remember three games ago, when he was out, and people on here whining, and quitting on this team. telling us the season is over and Mark pope was a horrible coach .
He is elite at using his body to create space for layups. At least 3 times last night he got to the rim with a quick burst of speed and the defender had no chance of recovering due to Butler’s body control. He is a super heady player and one of the fastest (if not THE fastest) guys on the team. I know we have a team full of guys who will continue to fight in his absence, but he brings something that nobody else really does, except maybe Oweh, but Oweh’s handles aren’t as good. So we really need Lamont out there badly and at least playing at 80% if we are gonna make a run in March.
It sucks all right, but am I the only one that thinks he needs to protect that shoulder while playing?
I just figured he wouldn't throw himself after the ball exposing his shoulder that way!

He is to valuable to put himself in that position, and now I honestly think he is done. I saw the look on his face when he realized he had reinjured it.

My guess is he doesn't know how to play that way. When you always play hard/aggressive, it just isn't easy to dial it back b/c those are instincts and habits that have been reinforced for how many years?

In addition, sometimes guys get hurt/re-injured MORE if they dial it back b/c the hesitancy puts them in bad positions.
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I thought right before he went out after he made that frigging amazing play after that he was starting to try to do too much. I think Robinson does a nice job at pg. we beat the brakes off ut last time wo butler.
Butler is the key to us getting into our offense and is a disrupter to keep the other team from getting into theirs. He hounds you all over the court, if you relax a second, he will pick your pocket and be gone. He has to play for us to be able to go very far in either tournament.
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No more diving on the floor. He is basically like an NFL QB, just slide, don't take hits. Stay on the court.
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He's got the team chemistry better when he does play. Stats may not always be there, but we do play better with him out there on the court.