Just a garbage person all around.How did he get through college talking like that, good thing he can play ball, I guess speaking 101 wasn’t available at Louisville.
WTH is wrong with that dude? 😂Boy STFU y’all be cappin too much on this app mf never smelt a football field never did shit but eat dick‼️
He didn't get through college. And from the looks of it, neither did you. 😂How did he get through college talking like that, good thing he can play ball, I guess speaking 101 wasn’t available at Louisville.
WTF did I just read? "Excuse me stewardess, I speak jive." -- Barbara Billingsly is a treasure!
I think you have to say something coherent to get cancelled.It’ll be interesting to see if he gets “canceled” or if that only applies situationally.
And yet the league continues on without you.Another reason I haven't watched a single minute of the NFL in 5+ years. LJ might as well be the spokesman for that league.
And apparently he is a bit on the sensitive side.If I'm a GM or an owner, I don't give him the big money. He is a dynamic player with great legs and scrambling ability. But passing he is very avg to under avg.
This is the resul of bad parenting. Welcome to the new world order of young kids today. Not all kids, but way more than needed. Parents don’t parent and this is what you get. Entitled and it’s all about me. This POS was owned by UK all day, and he’s attacking people. Kind of like our government. Someone will be defending him by days end saying he was misquoted and didn’t post what he posted. Remind you of anyone? If the shoe fits wear it, if not pass it by. I’m sure my post will offend several posters. Just Saying.
I’m not defending him, but:Obviously, the shoe fits you. Did I hurt your feeling?
you really like "just saying", you seem to use it a lot... Just sayin'This is the result of bad parenting. Welcome to the new world order of young kids today. Not all kids, but way more than needed. Parents don’t parent and this is what you get. Entitled and it’s all about me. This POS was owned by UK all day, and he’s attacking people. Kind of like our government. Someone will be defending him by days end saying he was misquoted and didn’t post what he posted. Remind you of anyone? If the shoe fits wear it, if not pass it by. I’m sure my post will offend several posters. Just Saying.
Yeah, because only "boomers" don't talk about people "sucking d*ck" on social media. It's trashy to put it mildly.Lots of boomer cringe in this thread.
It was an ill advised tweet. No doubt about it.Yeah, because only "boomers" don't talk about people "sucking d*ck" on social media. It's trashy to put it mildly.