Kingsmen: The Secret Service


May 7, 2002
Just saw it and highly recommend it. Sort of James Bond meets Kick-Ass. Very fun and entertaining movie. Definitely deserved the R rating though.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

This post was edited on 2/13 12:52 PM by KyCatFan
Because it has Sam Jackson with a fitted Yankees cap. Something tells me his vocabulary would make Jules Winnfield blush...

This post was edited on 2/13 2:28 PM by LineSkiCat
Lots of death and dismemberment. Plenty of pretty foul language as well and as a added bonus, they mention a reward of a certain type of sexual favor that goes along with a naked body part that they show. Trying to not give anything away. I definitely wouldn't take my 13 year old son.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Probably 5 minutes total between 2 scenes. It took me a minute to recognize him. He maybe only took the small role since he was busy with Star Wars.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
If you're offended by negative stereotypes of Kentucky and Christians, you might want to pass. Also pass if you don't feel like listening to climate change horseshit. Other than that, good flick.