Kingsman: The secret service (Movie) - Kentucky church scene


Aug 18, 2004
I went and watched the Kingsman movie and thought it was pretty good. It had a Kentucky scene in the movie in which everybody in the church get's killed. Do you think these type of churches really exist in Kentucky? Has anyone ever attended a church that spews out hate against other races? If you haven't seen the movie the Kentucky scene is about a hate church group that despises anything not white or straight. The use the N-word, talk about gays and jews and the disassociation of those kinds. It just seem like an utter waste of time to have hate groups. Especially hate groups that try to use the Bible to support their beliefs.
The country church I go to about once a quarter is not a fan of the gays.
If you are making a movie in Hollywood, the terrible people must be white Christian southerners or aliens from another planet, groups that to Hollywood producers are indistinguishable.
Clockwork stereotype. I liked the movie but the groans when the plot mentioned Kentucky hate group were funny.

To be fair, Obama was depicted pretty badly too. So, many chances to be offended.
It's a freaking movie. It wasn't a knock against Kentucky.

Was anything in the movie realistic?

Everything was over the top. It was made to entertain the viewer, not give an accurate historic description of what small-town churches are like in the Commonwealth.
Originally posted by starchief5:

Originally posted by funKYcat75:
Spews out hate against races? No. Is passive-agressive towards homosexuality? They're all over.
Please explain what "passive-aggressive toward homosexuality" means.
That's not what this thread is about, but here goes ...

The mega church culture has changed the scene from YOU GOIN' TO HELL, to love the sinner/hate the sin, to something else. It's a funny mixture of 'come join us' (as if they're doing gays a favor by not being terrible to them) and 'please completely change everything you are' in regards to sexuality and (some) still purporting that it is a choice that can be changed if you want it.

Good/bad/whatever, that's what I think. Not gonna argue it in this thread. Open up a new one (which would quickly be locked an deleted) if you wanna.
That scene was awesome - I loved it set to Freebird.

A little insulted it was set in Kentucky ,but then again, they blow up every head of state and suggest the a Swedish? Princess is into anal.

Now *that's* a movie