Kicking off the tee after the safety.

Glenn's take

May 20, 2012
Did anyone else find that odd? I'm not sure I have ever seen it done before. The Florida fan sitting in front of me didn't even know it was an option. I had to explain that it was a free kick and you can do it either way. Like I said, ever other safety I have ever seen, they punted instead of using the tee. It worked out well. I will give it that.
It was a deep kick that with the Fplrida penalty worked out great. In just a few plays we saw a historically bad and historically great play.
I'm not saying for a second that it didn't work out. Was just wondering if others have seen it before.
At that point down 16-7 and kicking from our 20 and UF with all the momentum and the Swamp roaring, thats when our men dug deep and fought back!
It’s pretty common especially if your kicker can get that perfect outcome of height and distance. I think we got the ball carrier down between the 25 and 30…worked out pretty good but the interception right after was awesome! Such a great win all round!
It’s all in the return. I think punts average about 5 yards per return where kickoffs average about 20 yards per return. The net says you punt, but I’m glad we didn’t .
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It's an option. We chose to kick instead of punt. It's not that unusual.
Years ago, it was the standard play but over the last few decades, punting has improved and the distance advantage of a kickoff is out weighed by the hang time of punting.
Its rare. In our case, the right call because C. Poore has a big leg, and Goodfellow has quietly been underperforming on his kicks in the first couple of games.
Did anyone else find that odd? I'm not sure I have ever seen it done before. The Florida fan sitting in front of me didn't even know it was an option. I had to explain that it was a free kick and you can do it either way. Like I said, ever other safety I have ever seen, they punted instead of using the tee. It worked out well. I will give it that.
It has always been an option.
I'm not saying for a second that it didn't work out. Was just wondering if others have seen it before.
From the seventies until 1995, I remember the “free kick” usually being from the tee.

I saw UK free kick by punt in the 90’s successfully.

Either has been legal since I played in the seventies.