Kevin Garnett thinks Anthony Davis will be NBA MVP

A player has to check in for a minimum of 65 games a season to be eligible for MVP. AD's only averaged 60 games a season for his career, and only 48 a season since joining the Lakers in 2019.

I'm 100% pulling for him, but unfortunately I don't think that an AD MVP prediction's a particularly well-grounded call.
He'll never win an MVP. Whenever AD logs 15 straight games played without some form of an injury, it seems like a miracle.

Makes it all that more amazing he played a full college season without injury.

I just have never thought he seemed all that interested at NBA level. He is an amazing talent but it seems like to me he'd rather be doing something else than becoming a top tier All Time great...JMHO.
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A player has to check in for a minimum of 65 games a season to be eligible for MVP. AD's only averaged 60 games a season for his career, and only 48 a season since joining the Lakers in 2019.

I'm 100% pulling for him, but unfortunately I don't think that an AD MVP prediction's a particularly well-grounded call.
“If” he could ply that much he absolutely could win it. But like you said, the stats don’t lie. Hopefully he has a UK like run where he’s healthy all year for once.
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Makes it all that more amazing he played a full college season without injury.

I just have never thought he seemed all that interested at NBA level. He is an amazing talent but it seems like to me he'd rather be doing something else than becoming a top tier All Time great...JMHO.
When he plays he plays very well, I don’t know how hard he works or whatever but the dude is amazing when he does play.
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I get that he has been injured, but several of his injuries have been bs. They took him off the court this year in a wheelchair and he played like a night or two later. I appreciate not wanting to get too hurt and end the gravy train, but I think he is just a bit softer than what it takes to win MVP.
When he plays he plays very well, I don’t know how hard he works or whatever but the dude is amazing when he does play.
He's always in great shape. He's added a ton of muscle in the league as well. He works hard, he just has fragile bones apparently
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AD’s injuries for the most part are the “curse” of his extraordinary late growth spurt. The “gift” side has allowed him to make over $60M/ yr
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When he plays he plays very well, I don’t know how hard he works or whatever but the dude is amazing when he does play.

I agree and my comments have literally zero factual base. It could just be the way he carries himself. Just seems to me he is on cruise control.
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I agree and my comments have literally zero factual base. It could just be the way he carries himself. Just seems to me he is on cruise control.
He has been criticized for not working out hard in the off-season and many think it’s the reason he keeps getting hurt. Some guys look “lazy” but are just so good they don’t look like they have to exert effort if that makes sense.
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He's always in great shape. He's added a ton of muscle in the league as well. He works hard, he just has fragile bones apparently
He’s definitely hit the weights, a criticism from NBA commentators have said he comes in out of basketball shape. So who knows, much like Tiger Woods the added muscle may have contributed to some of his injuries.
He’s in his 30s now, has an outrageously injury prone body (couldn’t even stay healthy when he was young and spry), and every single one of the 13 players who received votes in this year’s MVP voting except two (Curry and Butler) is younger than him.

So, NO, ain’t gonna happen. In fact, I don’t think he’s even the UK player with the best chance of ever winning one now. I’d say SGA and Fox would have better odds at this point.
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He should, but probably won’t. Can’t stay on the floor.
When he plays he plays very well, I don’t know how hard he works or whatever but the dude is amazing when he does play.
Just like at UK, his defense is what sets him apart. He is insanely disruptive, can guard all 5 positions. He's a GOOD offensive player but an elite defender, WHEN he is healthy and can give 100% on defense.
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Even fully healthy, he isn’t as good as Jokic. And as long as he plays with Lebron he’ll always be in his shadow.