Kentucky website

Jul 27, 2015
Jared Lorenzen just released new tshirt designs, predominantly football/allin themed but he actually has some pretty cool designs. Ryan Lemmond just tweeted out the designs and mentioned free shipping all weekend. for anyone who's interested.
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yea free shipping pretty much counters the $25 price though...I've paid anywhere from 5-6$ for shipping before.
Looks like a 3rd grader designed them...but spend your $25 however you like
I read this entire thread before clicking the link in the op. After doing so, and actually seeing the shirt designs for myself, I had to come back and reread the entire thread again to see if I maybe missed the sarcasm in the posts praising the designs. Guess not, though.
The shirts are not worth $25 and the hat is not worth $22.

To each their own, but those prices are too steep for shirts and a hat that probably cost $5 to make.

The "Kentucky Against the World" shirt is the only one I'd wear but not at that price.
Am I missing something? Those are terrible shirts. Might wear them around the house or to do yardwork, but wouldn't wear one in public and would pass on those at $5 if I saw them on a rack somewhere.
To each their own, I was only sharing bc I always root for our former UK guys.

I ended up buying the straight outta Kentucky one they just launched.

I do think their prices could be a little more reasonable though.
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Their prices are not inline with quality. The line of shirt manufactures are also used by a very low standard of quality. 25.00 is too high for hot topic's line of quality.
Jared Lorenzen just released new tshirt designs, predominantly football/allin themed but he actually has some pretty cool designs. Ryan Lemmond just tweeted out the designs and mentioned free shipping all weekend. for anyone who's interested.

Hey Jared, have you been able to watch the cats practice yet? How do they look and where do you think their ceiling is at?