Kentucky shows up in the oddest places...

once i went to israel for a holy land trip. went to the head waters of the jordan river near dan. was walking around a certain path when from around a rock a little kid sporting a uk hat came walking by. i nearly had a heart attack. you're not safe anywhere.
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My sister went on an Alaskan cruise last week Sent me some pics. In the background of one was a dude wearing a Kentucky shirt. We are everywhere.
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Bbn is everywhere. You don't know how many times I have been watching something on tv and see someone sporting uk gear. everywhere I have been they pop up.
I've run into BBN fans everywhere in the country. Once, I was skiing at Vail, CO when a guy wearing a UK jacket went passed me near the bottom of a run. He yelled out BLUE!!! as he went by and I yelled out WHITE!!!! I also happened to be wearing a UK ski jacket that day too. I've run into fellow Cat fans just about everywhere I've gone in this country, no matter how far removed it was from Lexington. Gotta love it!!!
I got in on a "GO BIG BLUE" cheer inside Disney's Comtemporary Hotel once. It was multi floor and I was on the 6th floor!
CNN just had a story from Nigeria and half the people in the crowd were wearing Kentucky Wildcats 2015 NCAA Champions shirts with 40-0 hats
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I've run into BBN fans everywhere in the country. Once, I was skiing at Vail, CO when a guy wearing a UK jacket went passed me near the bottom of a run. He yelled out BLUE!!! as he went by and I yelled out WHITE!!!! I also happened to be wearing a UK ski jacket that day too. I've run into fellow Cat fans just about everywhere I've gone in this country, no matter how far removed it was from Lexington. Gotta love it!!!

There are not a lot of us, but there are definitely UK fans in Colorado. On occasion I run into an older gentlemen here in Boulder who almost always has on something UK. Says the man who's now 58 lol. I believe he's in his late 70's though.

And to add to the thread I once encountered a man with a UK hat on in a very small pub in Dublin Ireland well off the beaten tourist path. He was Celtic music fan as well. That was 1999.
I was just out with my wife looking at houses here in Greenville.

Of course one is two doors down from a house with a UK mailbox. Never fails. BBN is all over.
I was deep in the Redwood Forest in Northern California about 10 yrs ago to go for a ride on the Treetop chairlift and the guy operating the lift had a UK shirt on. He had never been to KY, but his sister graduated from UK and he had been following the ever since.