This is the Bill before the state that is trying to protect the interests of smaller craft brewers by basically forcing AB/Inbev to sell their distributorships in Kentucky. There are a number of ads out there for both sides of the issue. I don't pretend to quite understand the full ramifications of the bill or its details, just what I've been able to understand and gather from news sources or some reading.
Basically a lot of the smaller Craft Brewers use local distributorships around the state to get their beers out into the market. Seems like a necessity for those small craft brewers to succeed, right? Well AB/Inbev for example now has been going in and buying these distributorships then dropping all of the beers except those manufactured under the AB/Inbev umbrella. so basically dropping all of the Craft Brewers or any brand not their own. They did this with a distributorship in Owensboro just this past December.
So now the opposition to this bill (AB/Inbev primarily) is putting out some really misleading ads, referring to these small businesses, Craft and Micro Brewers as "Greedy Self-Interest Groups" Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?, They then go on to talk about how this bill will cost people their jobs and hurt the economy. Seriously? Tell me who the "Greedy Self-Interest Group" is when you go in and take over a distributorship then push out the small competiton. Tell me how allowing a company like AB/Inbev to shut out small businesses doesn't cost people their jobs, businesses and livelihoods when you close off their avenues for reaching the public?
Any thoughts? anyone have a better understanding of the bill that I'm missing?
Basically a lot of the smaller Craft Brewers use local distributorships around the state to get their beers out into the market. Seems like a necessity for those small craft brewers to succeed, right? Well AB/Inbev for example now has been going in and buying these distributorships then dropping all of the beers except those manufactured under the AB/Inbev umbrella. so basically dropping all of the Craft Brewers or any brand not their own. They did this with a distributorship in Owensboro just this past December.
So now the opposition to this bill (AB/Inbev primarily) is putting out some really misleading ads, referring to these small businesses, Craft and Micro Brewers as "Greedy Self-Interest Groups" Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?, They then go on to talk about how this bill will cost people their jobs and hurt the economy. Seriously? Tell me who the "Greedy Self-Interest Group" is when you go in and take over a distributorship then push out the small competiton. Tell me how allowing a company like AB/Inbev to shut out small businesses doesn't cost people their jobs, businesses and livelihoods when you close off their avenues for reaching the public?
Any thoughts? anyone have a better understanding of the bill that I'm missing?