Kentucky has 2 Top 100 players on CFB25


Jun 21, 2016
Maybe its the blue-tinted glasses, but I think Barion Brown, Dane Key, and Dumas-Johnson got snubbed.
As someone who plans to play this, I’m pretty curious what kind of rating they’ll give Brown. There may not be a more explosive athlete in the country, but if I’m being completely honest, his route running and ability to go up and catch the ball as a receiver have been pretty inconsistent at best so far. I suspect he may be the kind of player who has a good not great overall rating, but ends up being more dangerous than that would suggest in the hands of the right user because of his speed.

I was really happy to see Deone get his due as one of the best players in all of college football. I feel like he flies under the national radar a bit despite being such a dominant force in the trenches.
Will Johnson a CB from Michigan is number 1. Travis Hunter from Colorado is number 6.

We looked at 2 different list then, Hunter was definitly number 1 on the list, and Barion Brown was around 40, Walker was top 25, can't remember the exact number
I really want to schedule Colorado ooc the first game and destroy their game hype lol.

I'm gonna make the sec go to 9 games in game and may add fsu and Clemson. I'm a glutton for a challenge.

Wont surprise me if Deion isn't gone at end of year regardless of their record, both his sons and Hunter will be out of eligibity.

Seeing rumors about conference expansions IF FSU and CU are able to break off. I posted one here about CU, FSU to SEC. Another is CU and FSU to SEC and ATM upset with Texas getting in gone to Big10, with another Texas team entering, maybe Texas Tech. Another is a UF insider claiming SEC is after UNC and Virginia, I think that's wishful thinking on Gator's part Finally the one that seems like the longest reach is the Big12 trying to stay a part of what is to become the Big3 invites FSU, Miami, GT, Clemson.

Big10 wants to be seen as the academic conference and won't issue an invite to schools that aren't members of an academic association, can't remember what it is called. CU and FSU aren't members of that organization but most of the remaining ACC schools are. IF FSU is able to break away from the ACC it brings us a step closer to 2 super conferences, for football anyway. I think they are bluffing because they have to prove they were harmed, agreeing to a bad deal is their fault.