Kentucky fans' love hate relationship with their coaches


Apr 3, 2009
It's a tough place to coach. Cal said it himself. It's a 10-year job. He should've listened to his own advice.

Rupp: Love, turned to unrest, turned back to love pretty quickly. Will remain love forever.
Hall: Mild acceptance turned to brief love, turned to mild hate, then back to love. Now, will always be beloved.
Sutton: Initial love turned to outright disdain.
Pitino: Big love turned to big hate turned to a mixture of hate/respect
Tubby: Short-lived love turned to impatience turned to mild hate turned back to majority like.
BCG: Extremely short honeymoon, turned into universal hate.
Cal: HUGE love slowly turned to pitchforks and lanterns.

Let's face it. This ain't an easy place to coach.

Who's next! Whoever it is, prepare to be loved and (if history is any indication) be severely disliked at a minimum.
Kentucky fans demand excellence. It's why we can reload after ''running'' coaches off. Some hall of fame, some title winning. Coaches that want to win and further their career come here. It's the reason we are the GOAT. We don't allow coaches to stay here and not win.