Kentucky defeats Kansas


Jun 25, 2011
I don't think I will ever forget that national title win, and maybe we will have to beat Kansas along the way in our next title run. Beating KU is always fun, especially in the NCAA Tourney. Still sitting here after years and years and I watch that game several times a year. This thread won't get that many comments or views....intelligent UK fans know why.
Love that game and have re-watched a few times, as I have a lot of our big wins. And yes, I understand why you posted this thread; kudos.
I don't think I will ever forget that national title win, and maybe we will have to beat Kansas along the way in our next title run. Beating KU is always fun, especially in the NCAA Tourney. Still sitting here after years and years and I watch that game several times a year. This thread won't get that many comments or views....intelligent UK fans know why.

Blah Blah Blah I bet your 18,000+ messages helps you sleep at night too.
I don't think I will ever forget that national title win, and maybe we will have to beat Kansas along the way in our next title run. Beating KU is always fun, especially in the NCAA Tourney. Still sitting here after years and years and I watch that game several times a year. This thread won't get that many comments or views....intelligent UK fans know why.
Good post.
Same here. When is the next Pro-Shrimp meeting? Hoping for fried or scampi, this time.

(Oh, and I've watched UK's wonderful 2012 win over KU several times.)

Which one? Har ha har~ (It's funny because there's more than one win over them that season).