Kentucky at Tennessee


Gold Member
Aug 8, 2008
Well, huge series this weekend. Hopefully Kentucky can wake up and make up for Kat weekend. Tonight's game is on ESPNU at 7:30. I'll be in attendance tonight sitting in the MVP section just behind home plate. Look for me in my UK baseball t-shirt. Unfortunately I'll be arriving late to the game (about 9) but I'll still be there to support. Hour to see plenty of UK fans there over this three day span.
I hope Austin is OK but that worked out well. Beat the throw in barely with 2 outs and then the 3 run HR.
Great bounce back performance by Reed after getting roughed up on the mound a bit last weekend. Announcers are glowing about him, calling him best player in country. Brent Ingram saying the 3 run blast to CF cleared the 40 ft tall batters eye. Cats close it out 15-1, now they need to go out and win the series tomorrow night.
Cats can win the series tomorrow night. I look for UT to be angry, and they will be throwing their Sr. Nick Williams, brother of former UK catcher Mike Williams. If we can keep the bats hot like they were tonight, we will be in pretty good shape.
Reed's homer was HUGE. Knew it was gone off the bat. The whole team was blown away by how big of a monster shot it was. They were all kinda laughing in disbelief.

Reida's shot was a solid one as well. Just pales in comparison to Reed's.

Hopefully the bats remain hot and we can take the series title and play for the sweep Saturday.
I thought UT had some dirty plays during the game. The most obvious was the UT runner on his way to second base who clearly went out of his way to try and take out Shelby. I didn't pay much attention to it live but after watching the slow motion replay from a different angle, there was little doubt that he was intentionally focused more on achieving physical contact with our player than trying to get on base or simply be disruptive by getting in the way. Thank goodness Shelby was athletic enough to avoid it.
Originally posted by Comebakatz3:
Reed's homer was HUGE. Knew it was gone off the bat. The whole team was blown away by how big of a monster shot it was. They were all kinda laughing in disbelief.

Reida's shot was a solid one as well. Just pales in comparison to Reed's.

Hopefully the bats remain hot and we can take the series title and play for the sweep Saturday.
Did Henderson keep his starters in because of the HBP and rough slide at 2nd? When Reida flipped his bat up12-1 and Cousino and Kuhn were batting in the 9th, I knew somethiing was up. I sensed UK was running it up because of the dirty plays. And 18's HR was a BOMB! Wow!
This post was edited on 5/2 7:31 AM by cats1068
Everyone was hittin the friggin ball! That was awesome! Glad Ka'ai got one out, too.

Really needed a bounce back performance after that garbage last weekend, so that was a great start! Hope they take the series tonight ...
Originally posted by cats1068:

Originally posted by Comebakatz3:
Reed's homer was HUGE. Knew it was gone off the bat. The whole team was blown away by how big of a monster shot it was. They were all kinda laughing in disbelief.

Reida's shot was a solid one as well. Just pales in comparison to Reed's.

Hopefully the bats remain hot and we can take the series title and play for the sweep Saturday.
Did Henderson keep his starters in because of the HBP and rough slide at 2nd? When Reida flipped his bat up12-1 and Cousino and Kuhn were batting in the 9th, I knew somethiing was up. I sensed UK was running it up because of the dirty plays. And 18's HR was a BOMB! Wow!

This post was edited on 5/2 7:31 AM by cats1068
I am not sure exactly why Henderson left the starters in the game. I think some of the guys really struggled and so they were trying to get them more looks. Cousino is an example of this. He went 1-6, and during his last at bat Brian Green was coaching him up seemingly about his pitch selection, and about how he was seeing the ball.

However, Kentucky was very into the game. One funny part came when someone from UK's dugout yelled, "Call it both ways!", at the home plate umpire after Reed didn't get a strike called. The home plate umpire turned to the dugout and said, "Really?! You're up 12-1!" That intensity that UK was showing might have been an indication that they were either just really wanting to win the game, or they weren't happy with something that UT did. I personally didn't note any real dirty play and there really wasn't anything that stood out to me that looked like there was some animosity between the two teams.

I think Henderson just wanted our guys to see as many pitches as they could just to help them going deeper into the weekend, but I could be wrong.
^ Cousino and Kuhn both indeed struggled at the plate last night, so that would be understandable. The announcers on TV were acting somewhat surprised when UK was still aggressive at the plate and on the base paths with a 7-1 lead earlier in the game. To me, that's the norm in college baseball, particularly when your bullpen is shaky . With all due respect to UK's club, I wanted to ask the announcers if they've seen the number of runs that UK's opponents have put up recently. I don't think UK was trying to rub anything in UT's face. Rather, UK was simply trying to add insurance runs to ensure a victory against a good SEC team in the series opener.
I think it's on online ESPN3 with the Tennessee broadcast team calling the action, but it's not on tv otherwise. The Saturday game is televised though.
Vols up 6-2 in the bottom of the fourth. Dwyer chased early and Cats not looking particularly sharp.
UK better find answers with its pitching staff or the season will end in disappointing fashion, AJ's magical season notwithstanding. Now 8-2 after 5. UK has walked 6, with a HBP also, and then they've given up several extra base hits. Neither Dwyer nor Shepherd have been sharp.
Things get test in the top of the 8th after UT's pitcher plunks Reida with two outs. Looked like Henderson was exchanging some choice words with Serrano, UT's skipper. Doesn't matter though, as Cousino flies out to leave 2 stranded. Not UK's night. Rubber match forthcoming tomorrow. Hope they can scratch it out.
That game was a little weird. UK seemed to be sleepwalking through it. Not sure what happened with the Matt Reida at bat that ended in the HBP but Matt may have said something to the pitcher. Then the trainer came out to check Williams' arm. Not sure why but it may have been some complaint by Matt. Anyone know? Then Henderson made a big angry show when Matt got hit a couple pitches later. There was a lot of yelling and even Serrano got involved.
UK needs to bounce back like UT did after getting drubbed Thurs. night. Honestly, I don't have a lot of confidence in a win on Saturday, Vols pitcher is probably their top starter, while Nelson struggles on most starts.
This may be a game where if we can get 4 innings out of Nelson, and are still in the game, turn to Salow, Jack, and Cody for the last 5 innings and hope for the best !
No hope with this coach..............