Kansas Marcus Adams Jr Decommits

It sounds like he made it to campus and decided afterward that it wasn't for him. Is that the case? I guess it seems strange to de-commit after arriving and working with the staff. We truly are in strange times, aren't we?
Isn't that kinda' how work happens IRL? Would you tell someone "you should quit if you don't like the job" before they've even clocked in on the first day?
I saw somewhere that he was a projected starter for them? Is that accurate?
Mr. Adams Junior is a fantastic representative of today's Charmin soft, quit at the first sign of any adversity, instant gratification, Me-Me-Me generation. We had plenty of such "ballers" at UK too. They are everywhere today, a sick culture created by one of the greatest poisons of all time: social media
From Southern Cal.

Maybe he got to Lawrence and got homesick?

Kansas is a whole different world from Southern Cal.
Rumor is the players had a meeting with coaches and basically told them he was a cancer.

And no, KJ Adams Jr was the projected starter. Sounds like this kid was a year or two away and getting lit up in practice for being soft.
Rumor is the players had a meeting with coaches and basically told them he was a cancer.

And no, KJ Adams Jr was the projected starter. Sounds like this kid was a year or two away and getting lit up in practice for being soft.
Same thing I heard. I know a guy plugged into Kansas.
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Rumor is the players had a meeting with coaches and basically told them he was a cancer.

And no, KJ Adams Jr was the projected starter. Sounds like this kid was a year or two away and getting lit up in practice for being soft.
thanks for letting us know but also remember this is exactly the kind of thing KU people would want to put out because it makes the kid look bad and not the university so obviously everyone should take this with a grain of salt
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thanks for letting us know but also remember this is exactly the kind of thing KU people would want to put out because it makes the kid look bad and no the university so obviously everyone should take this with a grain of salt
Nah throw the kid under the bus! He’s a weenie!
Rumor is the players had a meeting with coaches and basically told them he was a cancer.

And no, KJ Adams Jr was the projected starter. Sounds like this kid was a year or two away and getting lit up in practice for being soft.
Not surprised, I’d be happy to never take a California player again honestly. The majority of them lately bail after a year.
Read an article that said they are down to 10 schollies, and one of them was planning on redshirting. You hate to....record to see it.
Rumor is the players had a meeting with coaches and basically told them he was a cancer.

And no, KJ Adams Jr was the projected starter. Sounds like this kid was a year or two away and getting lit up in practice for being soft.
That sounds good…don’t it!?