Just spotted Tyus Jones in the crowd...


Apr 14, 2006
At the Rockets-Clippers game

Wonder if he got the tick from former Dookie Rivers....I smell a volation :D
As a Rockets fan.. I want to gouge my eyes out. Some of the worst basketball I've seen.
No hes not. Rockets just dont want to be there.. They are too concernced with trying to flop and aren't even giving effort. They will make anyone look good right now.

Not to mention Houston is already a weak defensive team who is without their best defender (bev)... There is no way any playoff team isn't going to hang 120+ on us.
The trio of red pandas I saw at the zoo today would have put up a bigger fight than the Rockets. Howard and Harden are going to go down as some of the most talented losers of all time along with guys like Pete Maravich
I don't know. He's a privileged kid, got a lot of stuff handed to him. He gave himself his own nickname. Fairly smug. Doesn't seem appreciative of what he has. Has never been humble. You could make the argument that his Dad is a D-bag himself, through his own antics, which explains why Austin is the way he is.

He's your prototypical Dukie.
Clever not even once. We keep seeing all of the UK players at games--did they get tickets from T Jones?
Tyus should invest most of his future earnings into a shave, haircut, and facial reconstructive surgery so he doesn't look like a walking caricature of Satan.