Just destroy collegiate athletics, why don't ya?

I am quickly losing respect for these players. It's ME ME ME, GIMME GIMME GIMME. Why can't people just accept the circumstances they were given, and work to improve their own poslition in life instead of suing others?
Suing has become the norm all we see now are trial lawyers in all forms of media begging and pleading to sue someone
Find myself moving toward High School sports. Actually bought High School season football txs and gave up my UK season football seats I had 30 years.

All of these entitled wealthy athletes, coaches and administrators makes the teams less appealing.

Feel for the teachers and students who truly represent UK. Can’t really use the term student athlete much anymore. Pro ball on a lesser scale.

The cost of college continues to rise. None of this windfall tv money seems to funnel down to defray the students’ tuition.

I guess I’m lucky my old HS is competitive in about every sport. I’ve been going to a lot more of their games. Enjoying it more and more as I get to know the coaches and families.
I am quickly losing respect for these players. It's ME ME ME, GIMME GIMME GIMME. Why can't people just accept the circumstances they were given, and work to improve their own poslition in life instead of suing others?
How else were they going to get what they deserve? Keep asking the NCAA nicely to share revenue? It's not like it's a frivolous lawsuit hoping to make a buck. They deserve their share and the law is on their side.
The whole exploitation aspect is what I'd need a lawyer to explain to me.

The way I see it the NCAA and Universities had compensation in place in the form of full athletic scholarships in turn for the player to play at University.

How is that exploitation?

If Michael Jordan signed a contract with the Bulls that offered him free McDonalds for life with no compensation other than that and then won 6 titles, it is what it is. He signed the contract. These guys in college signed a LOI for an Athletic scholarship.

The odd part is I am fine with NIL. I just don't understand the lawsuits.

Is it exploitation if a player signs an NIL deal and then plays like sh*t? Are they exploiting the University and partners in that case?
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The whole exploitation aspect is what I'd need a lawyer to explain to me.

The way I see it the NCAA and Universities had compensation in place in the form of full athletic scholarships in turn for the player to play at University.

How is that exploitation?

If Michael Jordan signed a contract with the Bulls that offered him free McDonalds for life with no compensation other than that and then won 6 titles, it is what it is. He signed the contract. These guys in college signed a LOI for an Athletic scholarship.

The odd part is I am fine with NIL. I just don't understand the lawsuits.

Is it exploitation if a player signs an NIL deal and then plays like sh*t? Are they exploiting the University and partners in that case?
The amateurism with full scholarships started out innocently enough when the sports weren’t all that profitable. But when universities started diving into their sports money like Scrooge McDuck the amateurism rules turned into a massive collusion scheme. The NCAA is consistently getting laughed out of court for positions they have held for years. It’s entirely justified. I am a bit worried about how it all will work out, but it is justified.
Find myself moving toward High School sports. Actually bought High School season football txs and gave up my UK season football seats I had 30 years.

All of these entitled wealthy athletes, coaches and administrators makes the teams less appealing.

Feel for the teachers and students who truly represent UK. Can’t really use the term student athlete much anymore. Pro ball on a lesser scale.

The cost of college continues to rise. None of this windfall tv money seems to funnel down to defray the students’ tuition.

I guess I’m lucky my old HS is competitive in about every sport. I’ve been going to a lot more of their games. Enjoying it more and more as I get to know the coaches and families.
NIL is coming to a High School near you soon.
I do miss Paducah Tilghman football and basketball games.
The whole exploitation aspect is what I'd need a lawyer to explain to me.

The way I see it the NCAA and Universities had compensation in place in the form of full athletic scholarships in turn for the player to play at University.

How is that exploitation?

If Michael Jordan signed a contract with the Bulls that offered him free McDonalds for life with no compensation other than that and then won 6 titles, it is what it is. He signed the contract. These guys in college signed a LOI for an Athletic scholarship.

The odd part is I am fine with NIL. I just don't understand the lawsuits.

Is it exploitation if a player signs an NIL deal and then plays like sh*t? Are they exploiting the University and partners in that case?
They will eventually have to put a stop to it because all the older players want their cut now. So maybe they just won’t ever show the old stuff again and only highlights of the past 10 years. At this rate the conferences will go broke if they keep getting sued for every class that went thru as amateurs.
The amateurism with full scholarships started out innocently enough when the sports weren’t all that profitable. But when universities started diving into their sports money like Scrooge McDuck the amateurism rules turned into a massive collusion scheme. The NCAA is consistently getting laughed out of court for positions they have held for years. It’s entirely justified. I am a bit worried about how it all will work out, but it is justified.

Excellent post!
While this is winding its way through the courts, the schools should be preparing a new paradigm that doesn't include official sports.

In 2-3 years, shut down all official sports. Im not kidding in the least. This isn't fun and I'm sick of these kids getting away with murder. Since they seem to think its all about them, hand over the entire mess to them.
They will eventually have to put a stop to it because all the older players want their cut now. So maybe they just won’t ever show the old stuff again and only highlights of the past 10 years. At this rate the conferences will go broke if they keep getting sued for every class that went thru as amateurs.
This. Like where is the line drawn?
Name, image and likeness meant to me, upon inception, that these athletes would be able to capitalize on their solid performance. And reap the benefits of such.
Paid to show up does not seem like a solid plan.
I'm not really from Missouri, but show me.
I'm not sure when NIL became official, but I don't see how anything before that would be applicable.
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Where is the line drawn on capitalism? Ask Taylor Swift, Madonna, LBJ, people make money off NIL
There's a big difference here though. NIL wasn't the law until recently. Laws are not supposed to be retroactive. So, does EVRYONE that played college sports in history get to sue for this? What about player families that didn't get theirs? Should they get the equivalent of reparations?

Capitalism has to have rules as well; it's not a complete free for all. That's why we have rules about insider trading, child labor, environmental regulations. Why? Because it turns out when you give humans complete free reign and NO accountability, we do some pretty awful ish.

Again, there has to be SOME rules to this. So where is the line drawn?
They will win too. And good riddance. College sports have always been about making massive amounts of money by enslaving athletes and depriving, even their rights to make money off the use of their own image and name in the name of some sort of amateurism that was always mythical at best.
I am quickly losing respect for these players. It's ME ME ME, GIMME GIMME GIMME. Why can't people just accept the circumstances they were given, and work to improve their own poslition in life instead of suing others?

Wtf are you talking about? If someone was making money off of your likeness you'd be a moron if you didn't want a piece. Or do you just give your time for free? If so I'd like to employ you.
every former athlete will probably win this battle, and i won't say unfortunately. i'm a former athlete at a d1 school myself, but i wasn't worth anything in my sport. i'll take what i can get, though. which is a few penny's or whatever.
They will win too. And good riddance. College sports have always been about making massive amounts of money by enslaving athletes and depriving, even their rights to make money off the use of their own image and name in the name of some sort of amateurism that was always mythical at best.

Enslaved....while getting a tuition free education and more perks than the rest of the student body combined.

I don't think this lawsuit will stand. When these players accepted scholarships they came with conditions attached at the time before the NCAA promulgated new bylaws. If courts allow this to go through you might as well shut down all college athletics because the lawsuits will never stop.
why is this a problem? none of you are giving legit reasons to be upset about it and instead its just change you're upset about. maybe if we're lucky the NCAA will stop showing the Laettner shot

I literally just stated in my post why its a problem. These players knew when they played in college at the time they were not going to be allowed to have NIL rights. That was a provision for them accepting the benefits of the scholarships at their respective institutions. Now they want to turn back the clock and retroactively apply NCAA bylaws that did not exist during their time playing. That's ridiculous. If its allowed to stand you can basically kill off every institution in the NCAA because it will invite a flood other lawsuits for ANY player who is still alive that played Division 1 ball in any sport. And at the end of the day how is that beneficial to future student athletes? You might just end up killing the golden goose at that point because as we've seen with the G-League, XFL, USFL, UFL, etc. minor league sports do not draw eyeballs of the casual television viewer en masse to be heavily profitable.

I'm not upset about the change. It's what it is and if I get tired of all the chatter/what things are becoming I'll just tune out. I'm not going to go into the streets and riot or destroy things. But what I am upset about is people who have sour grapes about the past trying to act like they were victimized by being given special privilges during this time in college already that were WELL beyond those afforded to other students.
The amateurism with full scholarships started out innocently enough when the sports weren’t all that profitable. But when universities started diving into their sports money like Scrooge McDuck the amateurism rules turned into a massive collusion scheme. The NCAA is consistently getting laughed out of court for positions they have held for years. It’s entirely justified. I am a bit worried about how it all will work out, but it is justified.

Name, Image, Likeness needs to be redefined. There are living professional athletes who were responsible for over time the rise of the NBA, NFL and MLB who never got a cut of the bigger pie and lived on awful salaries for years.

There is no discernible way to define how much money a single athlete "makes" for the University. The University and NCAA is also a "stage" for the athlete to propel their own popularity (name, image, likeness) in an effort to promote that popularity at the next level, should they turn professional.

UK didn't get a cut of Antoine Walker's NBA salary after he left UK without NIL money. Who's to say what he would have been if he went to Utah Valley State to play basketball?

The NCAA and Universities weren't holding a gun to any player's head saying you have to play here or die. They were offered a scholarship and perks in return to play a game on a court, field, pool, etc. The University in turn ran an institution.

The guys who are mostly responsible driving revenue (the stars) get theirs at the next level.

Maybe the NCAA should look to professional sports to get theirs. Everytime we flip a game on CBS and we hear Billy Bob went to "The Ohio State University", maybe they should have their hand out.

It is all nonsense and complaining by a bunch of entitled cry babies. If they didn't want to play for the scholarship they could have kept playing in their back yard or any local YMCA....or gone overseas and played a sport....or played in the US professionally if allowed.

I'm not even against NIL. I have no problem with it. The point is not that, the point is these players were compensated in the form of education and future income earning potential. Period. They agreed to it, just like I agree to my compensation with my employer.
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Name, Image, Likeness needs to be redefined. There are living professional athletes who were responsible for over time the rise of the NBA, NFL and MLB who never got a cut of the bigger pie and lived on awful salaries for years.

There is no discernible way to define how much money a single athlete "makes" for the University. The University and NCAA is also a "stage" for the athlete to propel their own popularity (name, image, likeness) in an effort to promote that popularity at the next level, should they turn professional.

UK didn't get a cut of Antoine Walker's NBA salary after he left UK without NIL money. Who's to say what he would have been if he went to Utah Valley State to play basketball?

The NCAA and Universities weren't holding a gun to any player's head saying you have to play here or die. They were offered a scholarship and perks in return to play a game on a court, field, pool, etc. The University in turn ran an institution.

The guys who are mostly responsible driving revenue (the stars) get theirs at the next level.

Maybe the NCAA should look to professional sports to get theirs. Everytime we flip a game on CBS and we hear Billy Bob went to "The Ohio State University", maybe they should have their hand out.

It is all nonsense and complaining by a bunch of entitled cry babies. If they didn't want to play for the scholarship they could have kept playing in their back yard or any local YMCA....or gone overseas and played a sport....or played in the US professionally if allowed.

I'm not even against NIL. I have no problem with it. The point is not that, the point is these players were compensated in the form of education and future income earning potential. Period. They agreed to it, just like I agree to my compensation with my employer.
Exactly. When did they start to make all this money? Like the 1970’s-1980’s? I’m talking the huge money not just the cost of running all the big sporting events. Where the head of the NCAA made millions and stuff. How much do the players before that deserve. Inflation and stuff has exploded recently getting these billions of dollars. They should get a cut but they went pretty far back already before NIL was a thing. What about all the players paid illegally? Will they be not be liable for compensation since they made their cut already?
There's a big difference here though. NIL wasn't the law until recently. Laws are not supposed to be retroactive. So, does EVRYONE that played college sports in history get to sue for this? What about player families that didn't get theirs? Should they get the equivalent of reparations?

Capitalism has to have rules as well; it's not a complete free for all. That's why we have rules about insider trading, child labor, environmental regulations. Why? Because it turns out when you give humans complete free reign and NO accountability, we do some pretty awful ish.

Again, there has to be SOME rules to this. So where is the line drawn?
Oh I'm not for paying people retroactively NIL is like life, if you missed out then you missed out. The line there is simple, if you played before NIL you agreed to the terms then. Though those kids were taken advantage of. Your line, about giving people complete reign and no accountability, they do awful ish, can I say that goes beyond sports. I agree with your premise 💯 I assumed it was about limiting kids today Mea Culpa
I literally just stated in my post why its a problem. These players knew when they played in college at the time they were not going to be allowed to have NIL rights. That was a provision for them accepting the benefits of the scholarships at their respective institutions. Now they want to turn back the clock and retroactively apply NCAA bylaws that did not exist during their time playing. That's ridiculous. If its allowed to stand you can basically kill off every institution in the NCAA because it will invite a flood other lawsuits for ANY player who is still alive that played Division 1 ball in any sport. And at the end of the day how is that beneficial to future student athletes? You might just end up killing the golden goose at that point because as we've seen with the G-League, XFL, USFL, UFL, etc. minor league sports do not draw eyeballs of the casual television viewer en masse to be heavily profitable.

I'm not upset about the change. It's what it is and if I get tired of all the chatter/what things are becoming I'll just tune out. I'm not going to go into the streets and riot or destroy things. But what I am upset about is people who have sour grapes about the past trying to act like they were victimized by being given special privilges during this time in college already that were WELL beyond those afforded to other students.
Special privilege? You have never met a college athlete before apparently. Their schedules are brutal. Wake up at 5a, practice, go to class, more practice, lunch, class, team briefing, late night class, then repeat.

I had an intern who played on UK’s football team who used to show up at 8a and promptly fall asleep in the middle of work. He always apologized. The kid was lifting a damn tire up a hill for workout in the morning then busting his ass to make it to my office. That isn’t a privileged life. This isn’t the movie Blue Chips.

These kids work a helluva lot harder than most college kids. They deserve more than a scholarship, which usually didn’t pay for their food, and to be used by a university to make millions.

If you all want someone to blame, then blame the NCAA who carried this structure for decades, earned a shit ton of money, and never blinked an eye. Same with the institutions who allowed it and never pushed back.