John Wick 4 - Arse kicking and bubble gum chewing

Saw the first available showing. No spoilers. It is next level action in the finest JW tradition. Enjoyed it immensely. We're not splitting the atom here. This is pure octane right into the adrenal glands.

I will be seeing this monday and can't wait. It's such a great series.
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Never seen any of them, what do they compare to?

Fun gun-heavy action movies. You're not going to get any Oscar worthy story telling or acting. So I kind of find them overrated. But they are making a universe of it so that helps. And the gun play is very tight. The work and training they put into the fight choreography and training is next level.
Never seen any of them, what do they compare to?
FANTASTIC action series. Maybe my favorite ever and the scenes are so smart. For instance, no endless magazines of bullets. Wick will disarm baddies and check and see how much ammo is in there. And it's not just gunplay. Swords, knives, vehicles, pencils. Whatever it takes to take guys out. It won't ruin it for you, but look up the knife fight in JW3. Freaking amazing action scene.
Never seen any of them, what do they compare to?
Jason Borne if the action sequences were on steroids.

The John Wick movies are state of the art blazing action movies. Before 4 came out I didn't think any action movie would ever top JW2, but 4 has 4-5 of the top 10 action sequences ever filmed all in the same movie. It blows the genre out of the water and takes it to a whole new level of kicking people's ass.
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It was basically two plus hours of continuous action and blood with a big nod to the dj stuff from The Warriors. I'm sure it'd give some an absolute headache, but Keanu and crew have created a very fun and violent series. In 4K, these movies look and sound phenomenal.
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It was basically two plus hours of continuous action and blood with a big nod to the dj stuff from The Warriors. I'm sure it'd give some an absolute headache, but Keanu and crew have created a very fun and violent series. In 4K, these movies look and sound phenomenal.
Interesting observations. I saw a helluva lot of Clint Eastwood spaghetti western in it with a healthy nod towards For a Few Dollars More.

I saw the movie with my son and when we got home I started pulling up clips of FAFDM to show him the similarities as who knows, maybe they're getting read to drop The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly on us next?

The black guy obviously was nodding to the man with no name regardless.

Had some ridiculously long fight scenes. John Wick would have to have the most stamina of any person ever. I got tired just watching it. 😆
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Not only is John Wick an all time great series, but it came around at the absolute *perfect* time in Hollywood.

It’s a modern kung-fu masterpiece.
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