John Wall does it again

Proud to have players like him coming through Kentucky on their way to the worlds of success that succeeds their time here. Somehow, I have no doubt that Cowherd will be clinching fists, and moaning incessantly about how much of a "thug" that Wall is, but thugs don't just up & donate $400,000 to help homeless children.
Truly an outstanding person.
I thank you John Wall, for your being that person you are for helping Homeless Children that can't help them self.
Yeah, what a shame these past UK players under Cal are mercenaries and were only hired. They only care about themselves....yadda, yadda, yadda.....
OP is right, John Wall doing it again as helping out the less fortunate has become his MO. Great person to represent the Wizards and Cats, lots of respect and admiration for John Wall.
An easy response to anyone trashing the relationship between coach and player built in a year is compare it to ANY teacher in any area; most teachers only have their students for a year, but the relationship that is formed, and the influence they can have, can easily last a lifetime.
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An easy response to anyone trashing the relationship between coach and player built in a year is compare it to ANY teacher in any area; most teachers only have their students for a year, but the relationship that is formed, and the influence they can have, can easily last a lifetime.

I was almost ready to bash your post but then read it again.(I am glad I did.) My 4th and 5th grade teacher I will never forget. I'm 54 now and he is still vivid in my mind as far as things and life lessons he taught. Good Post!
Louisville homer says... "It doesn't matter what he does on or off the floor, he's still not as quick as Peyton Siva!"

And the latest installment.. "everyone knows that Mathiang is twice as good as Labissiere!"

Seriously though, Wall has always been a good guy. He came to UK as a good kid and now he's become a good young man who gives of himself and supports important causes. This is the kind of thing that makes you proud. Way to go Wall!
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If, and I say IF UK can bring it home this season I hope UK has some sort of honor Cal day. What I'd like to see is kind of like the ole Mr. Holland's opus finale. Why wait until Cal is old and "grayer" honor the guy now. Bring back ALl Cal's players even Camby, Evans, and others. To be honest, I'd like to see a crowd break down Cal and make him cry.... :)