Jack Reacher vs. John Wick

I've never seen someone shoot so many people in the face as Wick did. But he essentially struggled with every physical encounter he had. Reacher would win.

BTW - Please stop posting. Thx.
Originally posted by funKYcat75:
Originally posted by banachek15:

you spelled banacheck wrong, FYI.
So did you.

And the answer to the OP's question is...whichever one of them used pistol whipping as their main mode of intimidation. Nothing more demoralizing/humiliating than getting pistol whipped. Find the pistol whipper and you will have found your winner.
Originally posted by banachek15:
Jack Reacher (book version, not tom cruise) vs. John Wick. Who wins?
Hmmmmm. Great question OP. I dunno. Who do you think would win?
for those of us that saw Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, its hard to take Keanu Reeves as a badass - even with the Matrix (the first of which was an awesome movie, and the next two were so bad they made me dislike the first one)
Many factors to consider. Reacher is physically superior. I'd argue his gun skills are equivalent to Wick. For that reason, I think Reacher would win, no question.
Originally posted by banachek15:
Many factors to consider. Reacher is physically superior. I'd argue his gun skills are equivalent to Wick. For that reason, I think Reacher would win, no question.
It appears that way, but if you go and look at the kill count. John actually kills more people. Also you have to take into consideration that John has a "myth" about him. He is often viewed as the "boogeyman", which Jack has not been given the same respect. Another point, guns run out of bullets. John's reactionary skill when hand to hand fist fighting allows him more speed time to hurt his enemy.

I dunno, great debate tho.

This post was edited on 3/12 11:20 AM by Willy4UK
John Wick was the shiz! Plus, Keanu isn't a shrimp like Cruise. I'll take Wick.