Jack Hanna no longer recognizes most family members

Went through this for several years with my FIL. The last 2-3 years were brutal before he passed last year. Tough for our school aged kids and nieces to see as well. Love and prayers to Jack and his family.
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I read this the other day and it broke my heart....he was such a fun loving guy. He lived a hell of a life and created content that will last forever. I'm gonna remember the Letterman version of Jack......f**k alzheimer's
I know he hasn't passed yet, but I still love the way all those animals would totally spook him..

tracy morgan brian fellow GIF by Saturday Night Live
Brutal disease. My dad passed away last year from dementia. We were very fortunate that he passed within a couple months of going into memory care. Feel for families that have loved ones who live for a long time with the disease.
I lost a grandmother and aunt to it. We took care of my wife's grandma til she passed with it. My wife took care of her father til he passed last year with it. The end is VERY ugly. I dont wish the disease or caregiver role on anyone.
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I feel bad about it still but I actively avoided seeing my papaw the last year or so if his life. Before he was put in a nursing home and was still functional he didn’t have a damn clue who anyone was except for my dad and granny. And even with my dad I don’t think he really knew who he was, just the a nice guy that came by everyday to make sure everything is ok
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There are different iterations of presenile dementia. Some suffer from sundown syndrome, some do not. Some progress quickly, some linger for years and years. Often there is hyper-sexualization associated with the disease. Very ugly. Do not want my wife to have to suffer with me and would hope it progresses like lightening.
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