If Bruce Pearl lands at a big 5 school, its over. That guy can flat out coach, and recruit. And he is charismatic. The problem with IU is the ancient outdated gym they play in, and the stupid School tradition of no names on the back of jerseys, the butterfly color and stripped bell bottom pants. Those things, believe it or not hurt IU bad. Recruits don't want to wear tight shorts, 1970's warm ups, and NOT have their name on the back of their jerseys. If I am Bruce, and if IU comes calling, the first thing I negotiate is updating the jerseys and warmups. AND, I start immediately on trying to build a new gym. Their gym is ancient, ugly and outdated, and small, and the only people that think its cool are IU fans. Nothing cool about that gym. Duke has a tiny gym, but its cool, and great fans. IU does not. IU is one bad hire away from being irrelevant and permanently finished.
Personally, if Cal ever leaves, I think Pearl would be able to stay close (close, not on par, close) to what Cal does. Either way, Pearl at IU would be scary. If Louisville was smart, they would part ways with little Ricky, and get Pearl now. But they wont, because they are stuuuuuupid.