IU players cited for alcohol possession

Wow, one of the guys is the player whose car ran into another player last year. I'd never chastise a college kid who drinks, but come on dude.
I can't believe college kids drinking alcohol what will they think to do next.
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Tom Crean running from the situation like...

Ouch. And Thomas Bryant is the one who is supposed to give them that interior presence they were missing last year.

Emmit Holt is a scarier proposition. He already ran over one teammate in a drug or alcohol influenced daze.

Something is very wrong if Indiana doesn't dismiss that kid, but I guess it's technically possible for him to stay. Illinois gave Darius Paul three or four chances before they booted him a few days ago. Paul was just arrested on an overseas trip Illinois made to France for vandalism and resisting arrest. Read he was very drunk at this time. He had an incident a year or two ago in Illinois where he was arrested for being drunk and resisting arrest. Sandwiched between those incidents, he failed a couple drug tests.

On another note, I hope both these kids can get the help they very desperately need. They'll either kill themselves or someone else if they don't get their drinking/drug habits curtailed.
Some say Gene Hackman is going to take over the team. (Is there a Picket fence coach in da house?)
If Emmit Holt isn't booted and Bryant suspended for at least three real games the level of Crean's clown-ness will confirmed.

As former Hoosier player and coach Dan Dakich said, "Indiana basketball stands for nothing."

I would expect both to happen exactly as stated. Precedent from last year is 5 games (2 exhibitions) for a first offense and dismissal for a second.
Remember, Bryant's mother is very strict and sought firm assurances that all the drugs and booze offenses of recent years wouldn't touch her son. LOL - he didn't make it to the first day of classes.

I wouldn't be stunned to see a transfer in which she demanded IU release him immediately. Only reason this might be unlikely is that he couldn't enroll elsewhere in time. But she can't be happy.

Well, Mama Bryant, your son is a freshman is college. He's going to drink like all the rest of us did. Apparently he just needs to be smarter about it.


Or just recruit a fall guy for future incidents.
Hmmmm. Couple of regulars missing from this thread, including one who recently challenged my assessment that 40-60 percent of Indiana's starting five had been in legal trouble of drugs or booze...I was right before (yogi Ferrell, Troy Williams, etc.) and I'm even more right now.

Thank God for Robert Johnson....

Maybe I just need to have a talk with the team. Years of drugs and booze, yet a squeaky clean record.
Those players really need to be careful. Getting drunk around that coach probably wouldn't end well. He creeps me out around sober people.
Over on peegs, they are blaming the Bloomington PD for having it out for the IU basketball team. They say at other schools, the cops sweep these things under the rug and taxi drunk players around. They even said it wasn't fair.
Over on peegs, they are blaming the Bloomington PD for having it out for the IU basketball team. They say at other schools, the cops sweep these things under the rug and taxi drunk players around. They even said it wasn't fair.

Thing is, minor issues often times are swept under the rug at other schools. That used to be IU when Knight was around, also. Word is Pat Knight got a 'ride' home several times by Bloomington's finest.

Ignore Peegs. Not IU's brightest fans on that forum. Much better options out there. No matter how minor and trivial (and minor consumption falls into this category), they got caught, so they accept the consequences. Crean last year set a precedent of 1st offense is a 5 game suspension and a 2nd is dismissal, so that's what should happen here. Sucks, but life isn't all unicorns and rainbows.
Over on peegs, they are blaming the Bloomington PD for having it out for the IU basketball team. They say at other schools, the cops sweep these things under the rug and taxi drunk players around. They even said it wasn't fair.

Yep, that is true. At Penn State, there was a coverup of an assault by football players. That is well documented. Paterno was from the old school and it was HIS role to deal with football players no matter where the offense occurred. Local police were often just letting him deal with the players.

Barry Switzer recently admitted having local police departments in his back pocket.

BTW, even though it happens at other schools, doesn't make it right!
Over on peegs, they are blaming the Bloomington PD for having it out for the IU basketball team. They say at other schools, the cops sweep these things under the rug and taxi drunk players around. They even said it wasn't fair.
Over on peegs, they are blaming the Bloomington PD for having it out for the IU basketball team. They say at other schools, the cops sweep these things under the rug and taxi drunk players around. They even said it wasn't fair.
Too funny. Newsflash for iu fans....cops at other schools sweep things under the rug because their teams are actually relevant and good and stuff, and have a chance at tournaments and titles and things like that. In Bloomington there's nothing to protect. If the cops have it out for them it's only because they too want clappy Crean kicked to the curb.
Are IU football players having similar issues, or do the Bloomington PD just hate the basketball players?

I'll never forgive Crean for dismissing Peter Puller or whatever that kids name was - he was comedy gold.
Are IU football players having similar issues, or do the Bloomington PD just hate the basketball players?

I'll never forgive Crean for dismissing Peter Puller or whatever that kids name was - he was comedy gold.

Oh, it gets worse in re: football. At least minor consumption is harmless.

Antonio Allen

Indiana State Police have video of Indiana University football player Antonio Allen selling drugs to an informant, according to court documents released Wednesday.

Police subsequently executed a search warrant at his apartment in the 400 block of E. 19th Street in Bloomington. They reported that they found a Colt .45 handgun, 47 grams of cocaine, 13 grams of heroin, three half-smoked blunts and $920 in cash.

Allen was arrested Tuesday while leaving Memorial Stadium – which is within a block of his apartment – and charged with dealing cocaine and with dealing heroin (over 10 grams) with a firearm. Both are Level 2 felonies. He also was charged with dealing methamphetamine, a lesser charge.

Allen was dismissed from the team Wednesday after he was released from Monroe County Jail on a $75,000 surety bond and $1,000 cash bond.

Allen has been one of the Hoosiers' top defensive players. The 20-year-old is a safety who led Indiana in tackles last season with 74, including 45 solo tackles.

He was about to enter his junior season.
If you can't learn from damn near killing someone then how will you ever learn. Holt doesn't need dismissed. He needs help and they better get it for him before it's to late.
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This is a bad sign for any coach, most don't survive this kind of stuff repeatedly happening. At some point you have to look at who's responsible for leading them down the right path.
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