It would be great if we could all unite behind Coach Drew

Mar 30, 2024
Seems to me that we sent out feelers to Hurley who was never going to come, and Donavon is bad timing (we can’t wait until the NBA season is over). There really isn’t a clear cut number 3 option IMO. Some say they want Pearl, Drew, Lloyd or whoever. I think Drew is as good a choice as any other of the second tier options and probably has less baggage than most, and although it may not be an exciting hire, I’m willing to give the guy a shot. I’m not a huge fan of Mitch, but I just don’t see that he could have done better in this situation. There isn’t an available humdrum hire which is probably why he gave Cal another year in the first place. Those that start yelling for Mitch’s job after this is done, probably weren’t going to be happy regardless. I just hope that the contract is reasonable. FYI I know him leaving Baylor is not a done deal, but I’m assuming it will happen.
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Seems to me that we sent out feelers to Hurley (was never going to come) and Donavon is bad timing (can’t wait until the NBA season is over). There really isn’t a clear cut number 3 option IMO. Some say they want Pearl, Drew, Lloyd or whoever. I think Drew is as good a choice as any other of the second tier options and probably has less baggage than most, and although it may not be an exciting hire, I’m willing to give the guy a shot. I’m not a huge fan of Mitch, but I just don’t see that he could have done better in this situation. Those that start yelling for his job after this is done, probably weren’t going to be happy regardless.
I'd rather wait on Donovan's season to finish, then feel rushed to hire Drew. I'd rather sacrifice this season in order to get Donovan, then hiring someone I feel less deserving of the job.
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One of my biggest concerns about hiring Drew is that Barnhart would NEVER fire the guy. No matter how bad he performed (not saying he will, just saying if) he would not fire his friend.
It would be nice to have a united fan base after all this Calipari garbage the last couple of years. I know winning will solve all…
It’s a lazy mediocre hire and we should fight it with all we’ve got. But if ultimately hired, I’ll root like hell for him.
I'd rather wait on Donovan's season to finish, then feel rushed to hire Drew. I'd rather sacrifice this season in order to get Donovan, then hiring someone I feel less deserving of the job.

Donovan has been out of the college game a LONG time. Things have changed dramatically since he went to OKC. There is no guarantee that he has any clue how to succeed in the college ranks now. Hard pass.
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People wanted rid of Cal at costs, and now they don't even want to give a new coach a chance. You can't make this stuff up. Talk about some bipolar people.
I wasn’t super high on Drew at the start, but if he is the next coach, I will be ready for the Drew era. Like Cal said, we need a new voice and Drew can offer a fresh start. I think he would be able to win a title at UK, which is the biggest thing for me.
One of my biggest concerns about hiring Drew is that Barnhart would NEVER fire the guy. No matter how bad he performed (not saying he will, just saying if) he would not fire his friend.
Then we’d get rid of both of them. Seems like a win-win. I’m all up for giving Drew a shot and I don’t mean 1-2 years where we all moan every loss.
It’s a lazy mediocre hire and we should fight it with all we’ve got. But if ultimately hired, I’ll root like hell for him.
Exactly how I feel. He's a good coach, but this ain't Baylor. This job will tear him apart and he is a nice person. I'd much rather wait on Donovan but if this is it...and it's a mediocre hire...then I'll absolutely give him a shot.
People will cry and bitch about him. Because he's not Donovan or Hurley. Give him a chance. If he proves to be the wrong hire i'll be right in there asking for his firing.
How long we have to wait? I mean we haven’t been out of the first weekend in what will be 6 years. Only 1 win. If he underachieves the first year he’s screwed
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I think we will all rally around him if and when he gets the job. But to expect UK fans to sit and be quiet while we wait and not offer opinions is pretty crazy. We're gonna give opinions, which is why UK message boards are some of the busiest around, and right now they are the busiest. It's just part of the fun.

I'm sure we'll still have critics if and when Scott Drew is announced, but I would bet the vast majority will get behind him and offer support.

For my part, I haven't been sold on Scott Drew either, but I'll support him, guaranteed.
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I'm feeling the same way. I was a bit cold on him, but there are a lot of things to like about him. After 15 seasons of some guy spouting the same lines about NBA and doing what's right by a bunch of kids that don't care about us for the most part, I'll take someone who has the potential to walk softly but carry a big stick (or something). Not sure if Drew is the guy, but it would be nice if he succeeds.
I wasn’t super high on Drew at the start, but if he is the next coach, I will be ready for the Drew era. Like Cal said, we need a new voice and Drew can offer a fresh start. I think he would be able to win a title at UK, which is the biggest thing for me.
If the top guys don't want it I could see 3 yrs 6 mil per, but to get him to leave Waco some reason it feels like we will pay Drew way too much for way too long and if it's a bad fit we are stuck for awhile. Especially with his bud Mitch across from him. No reason for a buyout. I don't see anyone trying to poach him.

I just don't think he's a good fit. Hope I'm wrong.
If Drew is the UK basketball coach, then I expect most of BBN will get behind him. At the end of the day we all want the same thing, to win. Scott Drew can win at Baylor. What can he do at Kentucky? That question is up for debate but the possibilities are there for something great.
Nobody mentioned Drew as being near the top of their list during all the "Who will be our next coach" speculation. Now there are a ton of UK fans on here trying to convince themselves and others that he's a home run hire. I don't understand it.
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Drew doesn’t want the job at UK more than he wants to keep a good thing for his family and himself at Baylor. And that’s understandable. We can unite behind wishing him well as he stays in Waco.
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