Is Humphries still hurt??

Match ups shouldn't have nothing to do with it. Even put him in for 5 mins to see if there are matchup problems. Hopefully he is just still hurting and not playing that bad, not see a few mins.
Illinois State spread the court with 5 guys who can handle the ball and drive the basket, none were even close to Humphries size. Humphries would have been totally lost out there against this team on defense and unable to stay with them at all. Would have been a huge detriment to the team in this particular type of game and Cal knew he wasn't ready for this kind of team. No, I have no connection to the coaching staff, just what I feel is the most likely explanation as to why we didn't see him play tonight. I heard nothing about him being either sick or still nursing his old injury so I'm guessing along the next best lines that would seem to make sense.
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