Indiana and Arizona to start a multi year series.

I am proud of them, where is CC when you need him...
I am proud of them, where is CC when you need him...

The last update I heard, he got his old job back with the Dallas police dept.

Good for them. Smart move on the part of both programs.

As I've said many times before, IU v UK just really has no mass appeal. Even when IU was elite with a HOF coach that game didn't resonate outside the region. What has that game ever meant to somebody on the west coast, in texas, down in florida, or in New York?

UK v UCLA, Syracuse, Uconn, Arizona, Washington, Gonzaga, Texas and/or Baylor. Now were talking about some mass appeal.

I'm not against playing IU for the sake of some grudge, I'm against playing IU because there are other programs that would simply be better games, do more in terms of preparing the team, and allow for a little bit bigger stage on which to perform for a broader audience.