I'm over CBB


Apr 19, 2008
Love the sport, but the way the games are called are getting pathetic. Call touch fouls but allow murder in the paint. Does anyone else remember when fouls used to be reasonable. And instant replay really exposes how bad these calls truly are
It's very time-consuming and mostly ends in Frustation. That being said, Meeks is going to get beach-slapped by the Zags.
I'm with you guys. Between the blatant favoritism of a very select few teams, the blatant officials on the take, and last but most importantly to me: the blatant cheating that UNC has been exposed for, yet NOTHING, not one thing has been done about, is enough.

There is no doubt, none, that at this point the NCAA HAS to know they cheated, yet they've allowed them to play in the last several tournaments, and barring a monumental upheaval of epic proportions, they'll win it this year, and came withing a last second shot of going back to back.

Yes, it's obvious for anyone who wants to see, the game has been compromised, badly compromised. I'll love my Cats until the day I die, but as all this drags on, with no end, no sense of anything being done to reign in the cheaters, of taking accountability of officiating, etc, etc, I become less and less enamored of all things collegiate.

I fail to understand why the other power teams don't tell the NCAA to go screw themselves and create a new agent, an agent not just for change's sake, but an agent that truly puts the college athlete first, that deals harshly with any and all cheating, and removes, as much as can be removed, big money from the process.

If/when UNCheat wins it all it will be the final F*** you to all the other member institutions who try to stay above the fray, and do things the right way.

Screw the NCAA.
Love the sport, but the way the games are called are getting pathetic. Call touch fouls but allow murder in the paint. Does anyone else remember when fouls used to be reasonable. And instant replay really exposes how bad these calls truly are
Pretty much this exactly. I don't know if they are under the impression that more contact is allowed in the paint, or that the size of a person makes a difference in what's a foul..but it's getting old.

Also the off ball fouls are old too. If it doesn't affect the play why are they watching it so benefits no players. We want good players in.
UNC,UL,KU , Lavar Ball,Mrs Marshall and John Higgins all did their part to make college basketball look like a cheap hooker this year. ESPN provided a platform to spread the bias.The NCAA fiddled away another year of doing nothing in the UNC and UL cases.

I have followed UK basketball for nearly 60 years and it is way to late to stop now and I couldn't even if I tried.If I'm still around when next season gets here I will try to have a plan in place as to how to follow UK and ignore the rest of college basketball

I will try to no longer care what happens at UNC,UL,Duke or KU..I may not be successful in doing that but I will give it a try
The whole product is TERRIBLE. If not for Kentucky I would have stopped watching. The officiating is worse than any other sport, the coaches over coach and most games are only exciting because the players go completely stupid and make mistakes children don't even make or they miss a million free throws, thus resulting in close games and crazy finishes.
The Duke love has gone from parody to reality. It's like the jokes made in the nineties became the blue print thereafter. Espn is insufferable and the refs, particularly in the SEC, absolutely destroy momentum in the game. Add to that the one and done factor (and I am NOT bitching about Cal) and my connection to players is waning. Then you watch a whole sale screw job on us in the UNC game and it occurs to me how much time and money I spend on this yearly. Decade after decade. For a product that is perpetually worse than the year before. It pisses me off royally.
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I love Kentucky, they're the only team in any sport I'm an actual fan of. But let's be honest. The refs and the blatant, unpunished cheating by several programs have made the sport unwatchable. There was a huge stretch of the year where I think if we're honest, it wasn't even fun to watch Kentucky games.

I would never have agreed to this a few years ago, but the NBA is a superior product in every way. I can't tell you the last time I was watching an NBA game and disagreed with a call. And the pretend notion of amateurism doesn't exist.
The truth is it's not hard at all to be a good official. Actually, it's one of the easiest professions to take part. You don't suck as an official because of incompetence or that you're bad at your job. You suck by intention, and all you have to do is look at some of the calls to know it.

Officials also have way too much authority on the court. Flops should be penalized, not rewarded. The freedom of movement BS has screwed everything up. Let them play, it's a contact sport. Doing things like this is why officials get to pick and choose.

Reform is in order, and until fans boycott, it won't change. For example Leave Rupp empty next year, and see how fast Barnhart gets off his ass and demands certain avenues change.

It's our fault. It continues and we sit there and pump for money out year after year for this product. When will we collectively learn?
Between programs being dealt with inconsistently and biased officiating, sometimes you wonder if you're watching a Vince McMahon production. Throw in commercial breaks every couple minutes, and it's made the sport unwatchable except for when UK is on.
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