I'm back.

Welcome back Lou! Missed you posting. You sure showed up at the right time. You missed the Wenyen Gabriel announcement thread. It was pretty epic too. Great couple weeks here on the Rafters.
Welcome back Lou.

You guys are I was in serious mourning for a while after the loss, no lie. Took me a couple of months to get over it. Then got crazy busy this summer. Lurked occasionally and saw some good stuff, but I'm back in full swing now. I think we are loaded for bear again! Excited about this team!
Had to take the summer off after the depressing FF loss, but I missed you guys (and gals.) Ready for a new season and thoroughly enjoying the abject dumpster fire that is UofLOL.

Looking forward to the conversations again. Carry on.


Welcome back man, I've been thinking about you....let me know how you're doing...

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