I sure as hell haven’t forgotten…

Obviously many of you still think our government is the good guy in this story. Let me tell you a little secret that isn’t a secret anywhere but here. Our government isn’t the good guys.
Let’s assume for a minute that those towel heads could have actually pulled off that descent in a commercial airliner and somehow no jets were scrambled in time to intercept (interesting time for a training exercise hundreds of miles away)

We lost many more Americans in the Middle East looking for weapons that didn’t exist. We were killing some of the poorest people in the world in their home

We accomplished nothing but killing more Americans and making more middle easterners hate America
So what do you think happened?
Obviously many of you still think our government is the good guy in this story. Let me tell you a little secret that isn’t a secret anywhere but here. Our government isn’t the good guys.
False equivalent.

So, anyway, was the shanksville crash just for shits and gigs?
I was never big into the 9/11 conspiracies, but after watching the way the established political class took advantage of Covid, abandoned Afghanistan to set up shop in Ukraine as the new forever war, has been LARPing with autistic kids to convince them to kidnap governors, etc. you’d be hard pressed to convince me there weren’t a lot of people in the government who were very happy it happened.

Just like Covid, I don’t think the virus was intentionally released, but goddam was it convenient.
False equivalent.

So, anyway, was the shanksville crash just for shits and gigs?
It’s not a false equivalent. If our government says something think opposite. It’s really not that hard. Do you watch WWE? It’s the same thing except instead of Vince it’s a bunch of old kid touchers
I remember that morning. Kinda. I was a college kid who spent the night before eating valium and taking shots of cheap bourbon. I woke up still very much hammered and trudged to class and the campus seemed off. I found out what happened when I got to class and was instantly dismissed. Two hours later, classes were canceled for the day.

I remember the coverage and how surreal it was. I remember going to work at the grocery store that afternoon and the place was empty which was very rare for a weekday afternoon.

I also remember how there was a sense of flag-waving unity, but mostly among white folks. Brown folks were vilified and stereotyped. A Sikh gas station owner in the town I lived it was assaulted in his store by a couple local rednecks who must’ve stupidly thought that guy was responsible … or they’re just shitty racists looking for an excuse to act on their hate.

Then came the pandering and profiteering off the tragedy in the form of merch and cringy country music. Radio stations banned damn near any song that mentioned flying, planes or fire. Our government - both sides - trampled our civil liberties in the name of fighting terrorism aka the Patriot Act.

The tragedy itself was awful and will always live in infamy.
I was never big into the 9/11 conspiracies, but after watching the way the established political class took advantage of Covid, abandoned Afghanistan to set up shop in Ukraine as the new forever war, has been LARPing with autistic kids to convince them to kidnap governors, etc. you’d be hard pressed to convince me there weren’t a lot of people in the government who were very happy it happened.

Just like Covid, I don’t think the virus was intentionally released, but goddam was it convenient.
Using a thread about the 22nd anniversary of Sept 11 to spread your own conspiratorial views about all sorts of other things is peak you.

Some went from Never Forget to conspiracy central...about everything.
What do you mean if the plane was even real? We all just saw a hologram or something? Is that what you are saying?

No planers are fun. I've heard people say that there were no planes and literally every single person that says they saw planes are either government plants or they just didn't know what they saw. Some say the footage is CGI, some say holograms, and what not.

Then again I've also been told that when the WTC was built in the 70s the construction workers planted the bombs. Because the entire reason the WTC was built was for them to be taken down. I've also recently been told that its 'common knowledge' that ALL skyscrapers are built with explosives in them just in case they have to demolish them.
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Every year I get sucked in to all the stories and docs of all the chaos and things that were going on. From the flights, the jumpers, the first responders, phone calls, the rescues, and the heros, etc. Just so many stories.

Watch the story on this one every year:

The jumpers were so sad. This makes me mad as hell every year.
ThroughBlue is a government plant.

TS. Total fed
Yeah the guy who doesn’t believe the bull being spoon fed to us

The plans to invade were on bush’s desk on the 9th. 9/11 obviously was two days away.

Jet fuel doesn’t cut beams diagonally and it doesn’t leave molten metal for five days after either
Yeah the guy who doesn’t believe the bull being spoon fed to us

The plans to invade were on bush’s desk on the 9th. 9/11 obviously was two days away.

Jet fuel doesn’t cut beams diagonally and it doesn’t leave molten metal for five days after either
Personally I don't think any attack or tragedy should qualify as a "holiday" for Americans. Juneteenth is about the ending of slavery. I've never once tied the events of 9/11 to the idea that maybe we should get every Sept. 11 off work. Besides, we just had Labor Day last week.

Was that the ending of Slavery by Lincoln that Democrats strongly opposed? I'm trying to keep this all straight.
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You will have to keep trying because you are obviously very very stupid
Oh I don't think so. But I do think somebody that advertises their tolerance practiced the exact opposite and lowered themselves to petulant personal insults. Have the last word as I won't even read it.
Even the Liberal google admits it.

President Abraham Lincoln

On February 1, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln approved the Joint Resolution of Congress submitting the proposed amendment to the state legislatures. The necessary number of states (three-fourths) ratified it by December 6, 1865.
I’ve always been super curious what people like you do for a living. Just in general. I have my theories, but I’ve always found that interesting.
i pay taxes to a government that sends it to Ukraine instead of one of our 50 states that just had disaster and with over 1000 children missing
i pay taxes to a government that sends it to Ukraine instead of one of our 50 states that just had disaster and with over 1000 children missing

I said what you do for a living, not just stuff you do. I poop every morning.
I said what you do for a living, not just stuff you do. I poop every morning.
It doesn’t matter what I “do” for a living but I work in admissions at a hospital. I also poop every morning and sometimes after lunch as well. Anyone who receives a paycheck from an employer that has taxes taken out should question everything our government says or does. If you don’t pay a tax on anything you don’t have skin in the game and not only should you not have a vote but you shouldn’t be concerned
It doesn’t matter what I “do” for a living but I work in admissions at a hospital. I also poop every morning and sometimes after lunch as well. Anyone who receives a paycheck from an employer that has taxes taken out should question everything our government says or does. If you don’t pay a tax on anything you don’t have skin in the game and not only should you not have a vote but you shouldn’t be concerned

I’m not asking you what you do for a living, I’m just curious what your type generally does. You know, the guy that’s an expert on everything. How metal melts, how planes fly, how government officials operate, which religions are in power, etc etc. My theory is it’s a guy that works a generic job that’s not an expert in anything in their actual lives. Very rarely do you have a neurosurgeon or aerospace engineer, ie someone that’s actually spent years of hard work to become an expert in one area, boast so confidently and with such certainty about so many different, highly specialized subjects. It’s really more amusing than anything.
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I’m not asking you what you do for a living, I’m just curious what your type generally does. You know, the guy that’s an expert on everything. How metal melts, how planes fly, how government officials operate, which religions are in power, etc etc. My theory is it’s a guy that works a generic job that’s not an expert in anything in their actual lives. Very rarely do you have a neurosurgeon or aerospace engineer, ie someone that’s actually spent years of hard work to become an expert in one area, boast so confidently and with such certainty about so many different, highly specialized subjects. It’s really more amusing than anything.
I don’t have to be an expert on something to use my eyes to read what other experts think on a subject.

The internet is a great resource is used correctly. Many differing opinions out there not just the ones sponsored our government (tax dollars).

It’s a scary time when we can attack the person and not the info. The bigger the insult the more likely you are to win the argument.

your intelligence is apparent. I’ve been reading your posts for many years and they are always well laid out thoughts. You seem like someone who has high critical thinking skills. Someone with your intelligence and direct immigrant background surely has put together how crooked our government is. I think most people have accepted that as fact by now. Do you think they are being completely honest about 9/11? I am genuinely interested in your answer because like I said I view you as intelligent as I can over a message board.

I don’t view myself as an expert on literally anything. Maybe cultivating outdoor pot. I do consider myself to be a high level skeptic of anything our government does or says publicly. Maybe that’s the Appalachian in me.
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I don’t have to be an expert on something to use my eyes to read what other experts think on a subject.

The internet is a great resource is used correctly. Many differing opinions out there not just the ones sponsored our government (tax dollars).

It’s a scary time when we can attack the person and not the info. The bigger the insult the more likely you are to win the argument.

your intelligence is apparent. I’ve been reading your posts for many years and they are always well laid out thoughts. You seem like someone who has high critical thinking skills. Someone with your intelligence and direct immigrant background surely has put together how crooked our government is. I think most people have accepted that as fact by now. Do you think they are being completely honest about 9/11? I am genuinely interested in your answer because like I said I view you as intelligent as I can over a message board.

I don’t view myself as an expert on literally anything. Maybe cultivating outdoor pot. I do consider myself to be a high level skeptic of anything our government does or says publicly. Maybe that’s the Appalachian in me.

No, I don’t think they were completely honest about 9/11. For example, we attacked Iraq - which GWB was salivating for a chance to get at Saddam from his dealing with his father - instead of Saudi Arabia which was the main culprit country. It generated a pointless war that was essentially fabricated and made many people very rich and allowed massive overreach by the government following it.

Do I, however, think 9/11 was some made up drone attack and the buildings actually didn’t collapse due to the plane crashes, etc etc? No, I think that’s insane. That gives the government so much credit and is so unrealistic I find it nonsense. Do you have any idea how well coordinated, organized, tight lipped, and efficient something like that would need to be to be carried out? You think the 10,000 government employees can pull that off? Have you been to a DMV?
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