i love this forum!!!!!!

You're both morons. Debbie downer sunshine pumpers. You're welcome OP
Honestly, I don't care for the posters that are confrontational.

If someone has an opinion that differs from mine, then that's fine with me...

There's no need to try and make people look bad, which is a common thing on these boards.
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Stenchymouse, I agree that there do tend to be a few insecure individuals on this board who go to extremes and offer little more than asinine, inane comments when you have a reasonable opinion that differs from their own. If you do not unconditionally agree with them, they become condescending and whine.
^^ both of you are stupid. :D

"no posters were harmed in the making of this post as it was not meant to be serious"<<<<<<for those that lack sarcasm