I know we have a political thread, BUT THESE TEXT MESSAGES

We have technology. I voted early today (why I have no idea), but my voice was heard. Put me on the list of "I did my time".
I get them almost every day now. Delete is your best friend, is mine. My wife says I am the delete king because, I delete emails, text, and whatever else might come my way mostly without reading them. I have just a few people (mainly family) that I will read what the subject is and if I am not interested, I delete those too.
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I block them and delete. Of course a different one then pops up.
The only unsolicited texts I want to receive are pics of bikini models. Instead it’s always some pencil-necked, nerd politician wanting me to join their cause. Bastards, all of ‘em!
Unless it’s from said bikini model, there are lots on the internet, you don’t even have to wait for someone to text it to you!
Columbia HCA had a data breach this year and everyone's phone and email address got exposed. I get texts and emails at all hours of the day and night (2am sometimes) now with links to click on. None of it is political, but it's to the point I may have to change my email and phone #.
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The misses just gets postcards. Cameron people texted several times today that he really needs my vote but I voted for Beshear yesterday. 🫡