Hooterville, certainly as an IU fan you know that NO TEAM comes close to calling UK cheaters as much as IU. Until I met some IU fans, I had no idea they were crazed, conspiracy minded, ref accusing haters. I went to UK in the late 70's, early 80's and honestly, I hardly gave IU a thought since then, and especially since the Dream Game with UL started. IU fans refuse to believe that IU is NOT our main rival. I am glad to see IU lose, but I have never considered them our main rival. You guys think that we are just saying that to diss you. Sorry, but while it has been nice to whip IU year after year and knock them out of the tournament, it has not been a big deal for UK fans. When IU beat us once you guys hang photos, make popcorn boxes with the photo on it, phone books, you refer to it as "THE SHOT", like it won you ten tournaments. IU fans truly believe that UK is paying players to play for us. Any time UK gets a recruit, you can go on to Peegs and you will World Wide Wes at it again...Pay to Play UK. UK paying more the NBA. Yet, no one can tell me how when we miss on plenty of recruits, they do not go to their new team and mention that we offer them money. Do you think we offer than money AFTER they sign? Are they sworn to secrecy so that if they do not come to UK they will still say nothing, ever in history? Make zero sense. Can you explain it to me? While your at it, and when we were winning in the tourney, on Peegs you guys were claiming that we were paying off the refs to get the win. So, are we paying or accusing them? Please explain this as well. Do you believe we are cheaters?
Glad you care so much about my opinion

One good thing about anonymity, it allows honesty; and I hope you do appreciate my honesty.
Of course, I in no way pretend to represent IU fandom, just me, from Hooterville.
Do I think UK cheats? No. But, when you hired Cal, I thought you were making a mistake. From the distance and media coverage we got in Louisville, he sure looked like a cheater at UMass and Memphis. I can't say I have turned my opinion 180 degrees, but maybe 170. I don't think you'll like this, but he reminds me of what I have heard about Charlie Strong from my daughter (who knew him away from football, thru coaching a daughter of his). She said he was a genuine person, and a caring father. I sense Cal really does care about people and his not just his players. I don't know that, but he seems like the kind of man that goes to mass because he believes, not because it looks good. So, I was wrong six years ago.
Now, as far as history...
BCG - I hope he didn't cheat and stink that bad. Its like Crean, if he is cheating to get the results he has given IU, God help him.
Tubby - No, seems like a really good guy as well.
Rick - No, not then, and not now either. Sorry.
Eddie Sutton - Huh...you my real opinion... I think he was your version of Kelvin Sampson.
Joe B - No. He was just a good ol' boy, and honest.
Rupp - It was a different time and place, and what he did would probably be cheating today, but back then... well I am almost 60, not almost 80, so I don't remember.
World Wide Wes - If he had a better nickname, it might help him seem like less of a shady character. Honestly, I have never had a child, nephew or neighbor who was a 5 star recruit, so I have no good perspective on someone that far under the radar.
IU vs. UK rivalry - I was IU at when they went unbeaten (actually won the tournament

). I didn't even know a single player, so I can't say when "we won," TO most of us in Bloomington then, UK was just that team that beat IU in '75 without May. Most of us didn't have an opinion of UK... we just wanted to beat Purdue and Michigan. So, I guess that makes us even. I agree though that a lot of IU fans hate UK, and look down on Kentucky in general. I don't. For one thing I have been fed and housed by Kentucky employers my entire life. Secondly, you guys are "local" to me. So, after all Big Ten teams (including Purdue, I don't actually hate them except twice a year), UL and WKU... I like to see you succeed. I liked you even more when local guys like Mike Flynn wore blue, and when there were more Kentuckians on the roster. Its a local thing. I mean, anybody's better than the ACC (pre-UL) and the west coast.
As for me going to Peegs... I don't go there much. You guys are far more interesting, and informed. And a little crazy and cannibalistic.
Now, as for the "IU beat us once" thing. I am old enough to know that the pendulum swings. A few years ago you had BCG. Besides I was more relevant in the 70's and 80's than I am now... so those championships are still relevant to me. I do think (if it is true) that name calling of UK fans (and worse) has no place. I wasn't there (I can't afford tickets to big games), but I assume it happened. The court rushing, well it was a big win... but that is a compliment to AD, etc. You won't like this, but I will say, when Bob Knight was there, all of that would not have happened. He lost it at the end (and still hasn't found it) but he was an u[standing guy. Bottom line, don't judge all IU fans based on what happened that day. I mean, just look up this thread a few posts to see what UK fans can be like to "outsiders." Doesn't mean you all use junior high insults.
Finally, do I think IU gets cheated. NO. And that is why I started this thread. I never have thought they were cheated, nor have I ever thought I was cheated (except once when I coached an 8th-grade AAU team, and the ref was the father of another team's player ... but really who cares). But, I have a best friend that thinks every time we play any sport the ref, ump, whatever is against us. I always tell him... you know I shoot more free throws than anybody else in our games, on either team (I actually play in fifty and old league - used to have Flynn and Dampier in it). I then tell him, maybe, they just don't like you because you whine so much, And then I tell him, for $30 a game, they aren't here to make us miserable, they just stink, because they are worth $30 a game.
That was sort of my question to UK fans. Do you think the refs have it in for you. Why would they? Why would the NCAA?
I think I got some pretty good responses to why the NCAA does, and even some evidence to back it up. I still don't think the refs cheat. I think sometimes (aka Wisconsin game) they stink. And although you benefited on as many blown calls as the Badgers did, that shot clock non-call was a momentum changer. But that is how it goes sometimes. Bottom line, I am still not convinced that (unless you play ND in South Bend) you ever get refs with a vendetta.
But I could be wrong. I was about Cal.