Howie Lindsey saying it's a "betrayal" by the NCAA

Now he's laying out UL's appeal. Saying these are impermissible benefits, but are being treating as Level 1 violations.
These idiots will say anything to retain the title. The NCAA didn't go after Louisville, the punishment isn't because you're not a blue blood (although its nice that you admit that your not) You got caught for cheating because YOU CHEATED. Your players didn't deserve to be on the court during the regular season or the post season.

Suck it.
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Well if do no wrong Ricky boy had of fallen on the sword in sacrifice just maybe the NCAA would have cut UL some slack possibly not that they deserve it.
I've honestly never seen a school and fan base like Uofl. They have NO shame

I've been in this city for the past 12 years and you are 100% correct. They have the world's largest case of Napoleon Complex and will look past ANYTHING if it means they win at sports. The media and seemingly some of the law enforcement/judicial staff seem to have this attitude as well. The city is run by Jurich and (until recently) Ramsy and I still think there are about a zillion other scandals that are waiting to be uncovered. It's the wild west in a small Midwestern city (tell a UL fan that Louisville is a small city and they want to fight) and it's great to finally see, at least as of now, that some sort of punishment will be handed down in response to the BS UL has been doing over the past decade or so.
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Where is the outrage by the UofL fandom? They are good at playing the victim and pointing the finger elsewhere but I haven't seen any of their fans calling for Pitino or Jurich's head over all of this.

Nobody in the local media seem outraged either. They are calling the ruling unfair but none of them are ready to blame the one's who are ultimately responsible, Rick Pitino and his coaches at that time. Not just Andre McGee.
The problem is the (horrid) nature of the violations not the amount of money. The NCAA said just that. Is it so difficult to understand Jurich that the violation committee thinks providing prostitutes to teenagers is a gross punishable crime! They didn't like it one bit and understandably so.
Didnt the NCAA already write UL a statement that Strippers, prostitutes , and cash parties were more than just mere impermissible benefits? That its the act and not the cash value?

So I dont think UL has a Peg leg to stand on here.
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I've been in this city for the past 12 years and you are 100% correct. They have the world's largest case of Napoleon Complex and will look past ANYTHING if it means they win at sports. The media and seemingly some of the law enforcement/judicial staff seem to have this attitude as well. The city is run by Jurich and (until recently) Ramsy and I still think there are about a zillion other scandals that are waiting to be uncovered. It's the wild west in a small Midwestern city (tell a UL fan that Louisville is a small city and they want to fight) and it's great to finally see, at least as of now, that some sort of punishment will be handed down in response to the BS UL has been doing over the past decade or so.

Oh I live here, I know.

I know ONE Uofl fan that is disgusted by this whole thing...ONE. Think about that
Most Lousville fans really do not care about 'doing it the right way' or 'winning with class'. Why do you think they were so quick to say bye to Charlie Strong? He was one of the few coaches who TRIED to hold his kids up to a higher standard than UL requires.

Nearly every single UL athletic accomplishment is tainted by one scandal or another.

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