Howie, Howie, Howie

Mar 9, 2015
Anyone remember when Cal was first hired and Darrell and lil Howie was having a discussion on the red and blue review. I remember the pudgster saying this phrase..."This is probably a bad/good thing for uofl. The bad being that Cal will get recruits and get some wins against the Cardinals but the good about it is he will probably do something against the rules and have the wins vacated". Now this isn't word for word but it's damn close to what he said. Hopefully someone remembers this or can find it somewhere. The man is like an anti-nostradamas.
The irony is amazing if they strip the banners as U of L fans have been cracking jokes for almost a decade that it would be us it happened to. This is just almost as good as sex.

Watch it on about to get on a slippery slope.
The irony is amazing if they strip the banners as U of L fans have been cracking jokes for almost a decade that it would be us it happened to. This is just almost as good as sex.
Wholeheartedly agree. Their ignorance is only matched by their arrogance, kinda like that baby blue team in the ACC. In this whole situation I really feel bad for ol zipp. He's #1 on the Cal is a cheater train they have over there. I'm sure he'll have an intelligent response for this and it's somehow Cal's fault for recruiting 1 and dones