How would a thread look if the intrawebs existed back “in the day”?

Imagine what the board would be like after losing to Texas Western, then going 13-13. Getting blown off the floor by WKU and Free Shoes U™ in the NCAAT in Rupp's final two years. Going 13-13 with Joe B. Losing to MTSU in the NCAAT while scoring 44 points. Losing to Dook at Rupp in the NCAAT. Yeah, we'd still need mods.
This board originated from literally a man and his wife standing up the original Wildcats Lair forum on a PC from their house. You had to use the IP address and directory to get to it and then log in locally. Wish I had snapshots of it but it was a great board. Everything was free and people used names mostly instead of anonymous handles. Good shit.
Has anybody else been watching "Star Trek" on NBC, every Thursday night at 8:30 (EST)?

On the last episode, the captain had to decide between leaving stranded crew to certain death or delivering time-sensitive medical supplies before time ran out. It was really cool. I'm looking forward to the next episode.

Thursday night's the best night for TV. Batman on ABC followed by Star Trek on NBC.
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Has anybody else been watching "Star Trek" on NBC, every Thursday night at 8:30 (EST)?

On the last episode, the captain had to decide between leaving stranded crew to certain death or delivering time-sensitive medical supplies before time ran out. It was really cool. I'm looking forward to the next episode.

Thursday night's the best night for TV. Batman on ABC followed by Star Trek on NBC.
Loved Star Trek. One of my best friends lived next to us, but the houses were separated by a wooded area of about 200 ft. One week, he'd come to my house and we'd watch. My dad would pop a metric shit ton of popcorn and him and my mom would watch with us. The next week, I'd go to his house and his parents would do the same. The exception was his dad would slip out the back door about a minute before I'd head back home and he'd be waiting behind this big ass tree. He'd jump out and scare me, and even though I KNEW he was going to be there, I'd take off running, half screaming and half laughing. He was a good dude and a hoot to be around. Those were great times.
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Has anybody else been watching "Star Trek" on NBC, every Thursday night at 8:30 (EST)?

On the last episode, the captain had to decide between leaving stranded crew to certain death or delivering time-sensitive medical supplies before time ran out. It was really cool. I'm looking forward to the next episode.

Thursday night's the best night for TV. Batman on ABC followed by Star Trek on NBC.
I look forward to Room 222 and Love American Style on Friday. Big lineup on ABC 62
Hank Gathers died from the DEATH JAB!!!!

(followed by 11 pages of further conspiracy theories and links to "news" sites featuring terrible looking clip art)