How much money would you put on the line? Make 80 straight layups

Jamal Mercer

Feb 7, 2008
Discussion on local radio here today after Curry hit 77 3's in a row.

So I ask, how confident are you that you could make 80 layups in a row with a 20 minute time limit?

You must take 2 dribbles.(no power ups)

How much $ would you bet on yourself to do it?
I hope none of our guards from this season take that challenge.

BTW, I saw the other day that Steph Curry made 77 straight 3 pt shots in practice.
Don't want to high-jack the thread but Mike and Mike had an interesting hypothetical on their show weeks ago during the tournament. 10 half court shots for a million dollars, but if you don't make any you go to prison for 5 years. Would you do it?
Once talked to an NFL kicker who made several clutch field goals in his career. He was helping someone who was going to kick a field goal during halftime of a college game for a bunch of money. He said the hardest thing wasn't getting the guy to learn the mechanics. It was getting him to understand the pressure. Most people would trip if you bet them $100 they could make it all the way up the stairs without tripping.
Do they have to be game speed lineup or can I lolly gag around about it? Can I do only layups on the right side of the rim? Only have to make 4 layups per minute so I can take my time and go slow if there was no game-speed requirement and if I can only go on the right side since I can't do squat with my left hand.

If I had any money to put down on it I'd put quite a bit of money down.
Few hundred for me. That's a lot of repetition. Repetitive movements like that under pressure is much tougher than it sounds.
On a related note, I was once brought down out of the stands at a tournament to shoot at halftime to win a beautiful Toyota truck. They gave me 1 min and to win I had to hit a layup, free throw, three pointer, and half court shot. I was nervous enough that I missed the layup (no kidding), then hit a layup, hit a free throw and three pointer both on first try, then spent the remaining time missing two half court shots. The kicker was that I had to chase my own ball. I was gassed and disappointed both. Never hit the rim on the half court shots because I was sure I was out of time.
Originally posted by CUT-NETS:

Don't want to high-jack the thread but Mike and Mike had an interesting hypothetical on their show weeks ago during the tournament. 10 half court shots for a million dollars, but if you don't make any you go to prison for 5 years. Would you do it?
How many attempts?
Originally posted by CUT-NETS:

Don't want to high-jack the thread but Mike and Mike had an interesting hypothetical on their show weeks ago during the tournament. 10 half court shots for a million dollars, but if you don't make any you go to prison for 5 years. Would you do it?
I wouldn't and I pride myself in long distance shooting would you?
Why make it 80? Why not just 1? How much would you bet that you could make this layup? There's a card game called Brag in which you get 3 cards and just start betting. It's crazy.

At what point would the size of the bet get you so jittery that the bet was unwise?
I played in college as a point guard but no bet from me! Hell I have a 2 handicap in golf but someone bets me 10 cents on a putt and I won't even come close to making the putt. The choke factor is strong in me
I'm almost certain I'd get to the 60's or 70's and have a major choke. Like fall down attempting the layup choke.
Not much. I just turned 54.

But I did make 79 straight free throws at the SEC tournament fan fair in Memphis in 1997 to win the free throw contest.

Prize was a bag of goodies including a basketball supposedly signed by every SEC coach. Except it was missing one signature....Pitino's.

The Shoney's lady(that sponsored the fan fair) said he wouldn't sign it.

Yeah, he was an ace then, too.
I would scrape together every nickel humanly possible. Millions.
Originally posted by SilentsAreGolden:
I hope none of our guards from this season take that challenge.

BTW, I saw the other day that Steph Curry made 77 straight 3 pt shots in practice.
Originally posted by jrm693:

Originally posted by CUT-NETS:

Don't want to high-jack the thread but Mike and Mike had an interesting hypothetical on their show weeks ago during the tournament. 10 half court shots for a million dollars, but if you don't make any you go to prison for 5 years. Would you do it?
I wouldn't and I pride myself in long distance shooting would you?
Im a pretty confident shooter but wouldn't take this best even with layups. 5 years of jail is a LONG time!
Could I attempt it with a Miller Light in my left hand and a lit Marlboro Light between my lips? If so, I'm all in.
Everything in the bank and I would sell everything I own. I would be a little more conservative if it was alternating hands.
Originally posted by ctharris07:
I'm almost certain I'd get to the 60's or 70's and have a major choke. Like fall down attempting the layup choke.
All joking aside, I would be lucky to hit more than 4 or 5 in row. I am that bad.
Originally posted by St.PatterSoN-54-:

On a related note, I was once brought down out of the stands at a tournament to shoot at halftime to win a beautiful Toyota truck. They gave me 1 min and to win I had to hit a layup, free throw, three pointer, and half court shot. I was nervous enough that I missed the layup (no kidding), then hit a layup, hit a free throw and three pointer both on first try, then spent the remaining time missing two half court shots. The kicker was that I had to chase my own ball. I was gassed and disappointed both. Never hit the rim on the half court shots because I was sure I was out of time.
I've often wondered how I would shoot a half court shot in front of a large crowd if my name was drawn: The granny grunt, which has the best chance to go in but you would look like a pansy a$$ if it didn't; or the basic shot, which reduces the chance of a make.

as for the layups, I'm to old to even shoot 80 of them in 20 minutes.
Originally posted by Waterview Catfan:

Could I attempt it with a Miller Light in my left hand and a lit Marlboro Light between my lips? If so, I'm all in.
When I was a teenager, we stole dad's moonshine and played horse to the tune of every letter you got, you had to take a swig. I know that has nothing to do with the topic, but talk about some effed up layups. I was the moonshine horse champ.
In response to the challenge, I once took the tubby smith basketball camp by storm. We had a week of "regular season" where I didn't score a single point. We got to the "playoffs" and I started putting up like 12 a game somehow. We lost every game during the season but made the championship game. I missed a fast break layup that would have put us up with like 30 seconds left and we lost, so no, I would not take the bet. I still blame it on Josh Carrier's crappy coaching.
OK, just finished up. 80 straight layups, methodically circling back out past the 3 point line and taking 2 dribbles every time. 14 minutes. Send me money.