Originally posted by ukalum:
Originally posted by BigSexyCat:
Originally posted by warrior-cat:
Originally posted by Xception:
So what happens if an American city did get hit with a suitcase nuke by terrorists and nobody took credit for it , what should the response be and against whom . That's what makes this much more threatening than the Cold War , in that situation there was a static target (Russia) in place that knew a counter strike would come . Even if you knew which terrorist cell did it what is the response and what dominoes get set off by that response ?
This right here is exactly what makes the possibily so frightening. If there is no target for a response, it would make this the most sought after method for mass destruction with little loss to the terrorist.
That is actually a very good question. How would the U.S. respond to a undisclosed nuclear attack? You can't let that type of attack go and not retaliate but then if you retaliate against another nuclear power then a nuclear war begins. So its within reason to believe that a single radicalized terrorist cell could end the world.
Even if no group took credit, I would think that forensics could determine the characteristics of the weapon and, along with intelligence sources, it could be dtermined who exploded the weapon.