How can you not like Steph Curry? He's amazing.


Sep 14, 2013
He's actually a good guy as well but man, that guy's game is smooth as hell. He's always fun to watch. I hope he takes the MVP and wins it all this year.

He is yet another example of why you can't put complete faith in the ratings systems by scouts.
He's an outstanding player.

But I'm pulling for that otherworldly freak that helped us get a 'ship in '12
I don't actually know anyone that dislikes Curry or the Warriors. I don't see how you could. I'm a Lakers fan, but even if we weren't a complete dumpster fire, I would be fine with them winning it all if the Lakers didn't.

Part of it is that Steph and Klay look like seventh graders, part of it is that they don't feel "real" yet and we're all enjoying this magic run they're on until we ultimately get tired of seeing them win, and part of it is that watching a team share the ball, play defense, rain threes and have two guys who can get you 30 in a quarter is just great basketball. Especially in front of that crowd. It's electric TV.
Virginia Tech fans must weep everytime they see HIM PLAY IN THE nba.

Steph or Harden can be this years MVP.
You also, have to commend Golden State's management for refusing to trade Klay Thompson for Kevin Love. I'm glad they stuck to their guns.
Originally posted by shaudyshaud1:
Virginia Tech fans must weep everytime they see HIM PLAY IN THE nba.

Steph or Harden can be this years MVP.
And that's why Seth Greenberg is no longer coaching and instead runs his mouth on ESPN.

Meanwhile, Curry took a group from Davidson to within one shot from the Final Four.
Originally posted by HeismanWildcat85:
He's actually a good guy as well but man, that guy's game is smooth as hell. He's always fun to watch. I hope he takes the MVP and wins it all this year.

He is yet another example of why you can't put complete faith in the ratings systems by scouts.
He's going to get the MVP. I would love to see a SA/GS western finals, would be a treat for NBA fans.