Hot or Not: Olympic Champion Edition


Jan 28, 2007
Perhaps female Bruce Jenner would have been more attractive in his swimming prime, but at 65 I'm going with a definite "NOT".

I remember how cool he was in his Olympic glory... it seemed like Jenner and The Six Million Dollar Man ruled the world back then.

Now... his story is becoming one of the biggest WTF?s ever.
He's puttin the USofA into those perky A-cups.

Definitely hot. Would.

Just checking to see who has put their votes in. Some of the folks here should make this interesting
There are some guys that can pull off disguising themselves as a reasonably attractive woman. Most, like Jenner, just look like a homely guy with a wig and dress on. They fool no one. Women are gonna run out screaming if he ever goes in a women's restroom. You have to feel some pity for people who feel trapped in the body of the wrong sex and who are willing to risk the ridicule they have to know they are going to get.
Originally posted by MdWIldcat55:
I feel bad for him that he had to live so much of his life trapped as the wrong gender.

Can you imagine if he'd changed into a woman at age 19? He'd have dominated five cycles of the Women's Olympics.
Yep, I feel bad that he is mentally ill. And I don't think he would have been able to compete as a woman.
Originally posted by UKWildcatT:
Someone needs to add his face on that hot runner chick that bounces around.

Do NOT ruin that for me!
A horrific story. But, one with a possible happy ending. If being married to the mother brought Jenner to this level of insanity, imagine what fates await Kanye from his union with Kim.