Headed to the father/son camp tomorrow...

Dec 5, 2011
First time driving on campus, any travel tips from fellow Cat fans? I was notified that complex drive and alumni drive are closed due to construction, and to park off of sports center drive. Is sports center drive easy to find? We check in at the Kirwan Blanding complex. Is this easy to find?


Its by the football stadium. Off cooper, headed towards Tate's creek, it will be on your right.

By the Blue Courts(I think I heard they were/did remove them?)
First time driving on campus, any travel tips from fellow Cat fans? I was notified that complex drive and alumni drive are closed due to construction, and to park off of sports center drive. Is sports center drive easy to find? We check in at the Kirwan Blanding complex. Is this easy to find?



Please update us all on how it goes. I'll be attending the session on fathers day weekend. Enjoy.
Right now campus is an absolute mess with all the construction but oh well. I pray that you guys are not in the Johnson center like it was one year.
First time driving on campus, any travel tips from fellow Cat fans? I was notified that complex drive and alumni drive are closed due to construction, and to park off of sports center drive. Is sports center drive easy to find? We check in at the Kirwan Blanding complex. Is this easy to find?



I work at UK and parking is a mess! Ok, I have better instructions. Sports Center Drive (also known has Jerry Clairborne Drive) is accessible through Cooper Drive.

If you're coming from Tates Creek, look for the education building on the left, and some football practice fields and the Nutter Field House on the right. This is as soon as you exit the "residential" portion of Cooper Drive. Ahead, you will see BCTC on the left, and the Boone Tennis Center on the right. Turn right (North) on Sports Center Drive (may be signed Jerry Claiborne, but I think it's signed appropriately; turning left (South) will take you towards the Stadium). After turning onto Sports Center, go past some tennis courts, and you will see a parking structure on the left. I assume this is where they want you to park.

If you're coming from Nicholasville Road, it's your second left. You will see the Boone Tennis Center, a large field, and Nutter Field House on the left, and BCTC and the Stadium are on the right. Turn LEFT (North) on Sports Center Drive (may be signed Jerry Claiborne, but I think it's signed appropriately; turning right (South) will take you towards the Stadium). After turning, go past some tennis courts, and you will see a parking structure on the left. I assume this is where they want you to park.

After parking, you will see two towers; these are the Kirwan-Blanding towers. They are across Complex Drive coming from the parking structure (they are a bit to the left, maybe at your 10 or 11 o'clock-Northwest of the parking structure). You cannot miss them. There are some low rise dorms surrounding the towers, and that area is the Kirwan-Blanding complex.

Edit: I gave crappy instructions; therefore, I edited it to make it better.
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