Harris Article

Originally posted by STL_Cat:
No thanks, not going to read.
You aren't missing anything. No one seems to understand WHY UK fans are pissed or turned off by this kid now. Frustrating.
This article is just another in a long line from the Curious Urinal that is trying to tell UK fans that our expectations should remain low. That we should just take being punched in the gut and smile about it. My question is why don't they just leave UK fans alone?!!! We don't want to be told how to act!! Especially from a rag that has Tom Jurich as the Executive Editor of your sports page!!!
I think I will skip it also, however while I am a bit disappointed in him going for the money I am sure it is very little compared to some of his friends and family. It sounds like it was a "business" decision to me, and I really think it was probably not the best one in the long run, whatever money and fame he accrues.