Aug 5, 2003
To clarify - Robbed by the removal of the previous GYERO...I don't blame losses on officiating

I need to go back and read the regulars. I need to posthumously feel vindication for being pissed at refs, players, and Cal. So...if some lurker got that last thread killed....then go fly a kite and get out of here.

This thread has become my sole source for UK information on the intrawebs. If it happens on KSR...I read about it here first. If there is a legitimate rumor out there...I hear about it here first.

Lurkers can bring value. Lurkers can also clearly screw this up. Think before you post...rather....don't post!

- Game: Switching on all screens killed us. Honestly, there were several chances w/FK being defended by Booker or one of the Harrisons that UW just missed. I'm sure the RIP GYERO lamented the disappearance of WCS...mind boggling

- Post Game: So unfortunate....clearly frustration....liked the apology outside of the use of "in jest". That word needs to disappear from all, jokes, need for it.

- Social Media: My word....I'm 42 and absolutely destroyed my 20 year old nephew over his facebook/twitter posts from yesterday. I turned into "get off my lawn" guy today. Saw a guy that I went to grade school with post "40 and No" on facebook last night then go on and on about the true meaning of Easter less than 8 hours later. I'm probably taking that too far....but "do unto others..." right?


This post was edited on 4/5 10:22 PM by blue23
Can't believe you hopped on social media this soon after the game. I knew I'd rage solely from the moronic IU friends on my Facebook and have decided not to look at it until the tourney is over.