Georgia -16. ESPN has it listed as 23

Georgia will be vastly superior but seems like the way Kirby plays us gives us a chance to be respectable a lot of seasons for a while depending on how we hold up. Typically he doesn’t take risks and they just play safe football because he knows we can compete if we have help so no reason to help us with a mistake because that’s our only chance. But this season we are so soft in the OL we are likely to have a to or two along the way and not be able to run clock. Their group of te’s is also so far beyond everybody and us that they can turn that into safe plays that still gains yards. Hard for me to imagine we can keep it under 16 the way the offense is playing. Even if we have a fast clock
If we play our A game, giving the points would be a pretty good bet. But we have played our A game 3 times this year.The rest we have just played. Maybe because we are so young and lack the leadership we had in 21, They won't all return but 9 starter on O are eligible to return, and almost that many on defense.
If we play our A game, giving the points would be a pretty good bet. But we have played our A game 3 times this year.The rest we have just played. Maybe because we are so young and lack the leadership we had in 21, They won't all return but 9 starter on O are eligible to return, and almost that many on defense.
UK has a fairly experienced team that's totally devoid of leadership. None. Zero. Nada. Zilch. Damndest thing I've ever seen.
If we play our A game, giving the points would be a pretty good bet. But we have played our A game 3 times this year.The rest we have just played. Maybe because we are so young and lack the leadership we had in 21, They won't all return but 9 starter on O are eligible to return, and almost that many on defense.

Problem is that by playing us, UGAs game will automatically equate to an A+ level regardless of how up and prepared Kirby has the team…
I have heard this same thing for the last two years and it still hasn’t been addressed which is sad as hell for a SEC program. Same thing is happening at A&M 🍺
From the outside looking in, one would think guys like Horsey and CRod and Levis and Square and Ajian would be excellent leaders but they seemingly have no impact at all. Hard to figure.
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We always play Georgia tough but I don't see it this year. OL is down. Entire team is struggling mentally and we had an awful loss. I can't see us scoring a single point unless it's on a freak or trick play. I'll be fairly surprised if we even have an actual drive that gets into the red zone.
Georgia will be vastly superior but seems like the way Kirby plays us gives us a chance to be respectable a lot of seasons for a while depending on how we hold up. Typically he doesn’t take risks and they just play safe football because he knows we can compete if we have help so no reason to help us with a mistake because that’s our only chance. But this season we are so soft in the OL we are likely to have a to or two along the way and not be able to run clock. Their group of te’s is also so far beyond everybody and us that they can turn that into safe plays that still gains yards. Hard for me to imagine we can keep it under 16 the way the offense is playing. Even if we have a fast clock
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I’d bet every penny on -22, -23, -30 -35. KY will struggle to score and Georgia can name their total.
If we play our A game, giving the points would be a pretty good bet. But we have played our A game 3 times this year.The rest we have just played. Maybe because we are so young and lack the leadership we had in 21, They won't all return but 9 starter on O are eligible to return, and almost that many on defense.
No good news about next year in your post.
Whatever it is, it's not enough. This team has quit, even the defense. Look for something like Georgia 55-3 but then again I don't know if we can even kick a FG. 55-0.
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The weather is supposed to be as bad or worse than the vandy game.
Few years ago(too lazy to look up the year) GA, I think a Richt team, came to UK and brought a team that scored a TD EVERY series they had the ball. Every. Damned. Series. UK never stopped them, they never punted, doubt the punter even dressed out that day, just TD after TD. Smart doesn't run up the score, Richt sometimes would. Smart will give you a chance to stop them.

GA has like a 12 year winning streak going vs UK. Not long ago it looked as if UK was narrowing the longer. The gap between UK-GA is wider and deeper than the Grand Canyon. Clearly shows the difference between 3* talent and 4*-5* talent. This game could get very ugly very quickly....and on national TV to boot.