Gen Z American Dreamz

Is it as simple as social media and screen time? The insane costs we’re currently try dealing with? A doom and gloom clickbait article? Hard to know the solution if you don’t know the cause I guess.
Women were advised to quit smoking and drinking while pregnant and we ended up with millineals and then their spawns of adhd drug addicted zombie kids.

If you were born like my Gen and survived your mom's habits and dads ptsd you just learned life was shit and just figured it out.
The world needs more trade workers. The drive that everybody needs to go college only came around when men with no interest in college started going as a way to get out of being drafted during Vietnam. There is no draft anymore, there are too many people with college degrees doing things you don't need a college degree to do and far too few trade workers.
My mom drank a pint of beam every day while she was pregnant with me, and my dad hit me with a wrench when I talked out of turn.

I turned out great gosh darn it!
It's a lot of complicated parts but I'll hazard a guess and say those that born during this age of cell phones and internet is a big cause. Attention spans are paper thin anymore and the need for validation is staggering. Sitting in front of game screens or social media or binging tv has created a generation of laziness. I'm not saying all of them are. Hell, there are plenty of lazy folks from all generations. It's just gotten much, much worse. I'm glad I grew up when I did.
It's a lot of complicated parts but I'll hazard a guess and say those that born during this age of cell phones and internet is a big cause. Attention spans are paper thin anymore and the need for validation is staggering. Sitting in front of game screens or social media or binging tv has created a generation of laziness. I'm not saying all of them are. Hell, there are plenty of lazy folks from all generations. It's just gotten much, much worse. I'm glad I grew up when I did.
And they see their peers with all the trappings of a 50yo who worked a career their entire life at 23. Makes them think they need or should have the same right away.

Couple that with all the comments of people saying they can’t afford anything makes them not want to try. Very entitled and defeatist at the same time.

“I want to live in California and have a house that costs a million dollars at 24. Whaaa!”
For millennia people have migrated due to economic reasons. Maybe you just can’t afford to live where you want. There are cheaper places in this country to live.