Gators go Matt Painter and grab 7-6 Rioux

Why would we not want him as our 12th man starting out? He could get better and better every year, and by year three or four be a nice contributor. Keep three seven footers + on the roster every year and let them develop over time. What would it hurt with 13 roster spots available.
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Why would we not want him as our 12th man starting out? He could get better and better every year, and by year three or four be a nice contributor. Keep three seven footers + on the roster every year and let them develop over time. What would it hurt with 13 roster spots available.
Not that I disagree, but basketball is changing. Wonder what this kid's outside game is like.
Not that I disagree, but basketball is changing. Wonder what this kid's outside game is like.
Yeah, he may would have never played here. Just saying, use the 11-13 roster spots for a third big that could develop in three or four years. Nothing to lose, they can go anytime if not working out.
I mean I don't know. Not sure if this guy wouldn't just be a novelty. How many minutes can he play? Can he run the floor? 7' 7" isn't very practical for athletics. I mean a guy can weight 500 pounds....but that doesn't mean he should be on your football team's offensive line.
Why would we not want him as our 12th man starting out? He could get better and better every year, and by year three or four be a nice contributor. Keep three seven footers + on the roster every year and let them develop over time. What would it hurt with 13 roster spots available.
This kid is way to slow to play the game. There are too many 4s and 5s who can shoot 3s who would make him a defensive liability on the court.
Not sure what’s the point of this beyond the obvious: they’re both real big.

There are no other similarities. One is a legit basketball player with serious skills, agility and athleticism. The other is just a big stiff.
I actually feel bad for guys who are this height. Even if they become multi-millionaires, they're living in a world where nothing fits them the right way and everything is constantly awkward.

Give me my 5'9" anonymity and $80,000/year over a lifestyle where everything feels like this:
