G.O.A.T- Nintendo/sega video games edition


Jan 28, 2010
It's G.O.A.T. time! Back in the day like most of you I loved playing both gaming systems till they were burning up. He's a short list I liked from both.
Super tecmo bowl- the 49ers were unstoppable, much like bo Jackson on that game
Double dribble- another basketball class
Mario brothers
Double dragon
Mike Tyron's punchout

Nba jam-'the best game ever made by sega
Mortal combat- finishing move codes were always fun to find out
Ken Griffey jr. baseball.

It's your turn what about you?
Kid Icarus
Tyson Punchout
Double Dribble
Tecmo Bowl
Duck Hunt
Mario 1-3
Mega Man 1-6
Tecmo Super Bowl
Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers
Blades of Steel
Tecmo NBA Basketball

Everyone has/will hit the big ones. Going with one that might not get as many mentions.

Nintendo - Punch-Out, Original Mario, Balloon Fight, Double Dribble, WWF Wrestlemania, and Double Dragon.

Sega - Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, NBA Jam, and Bulls v. Blazers were my go-tos.

This post was edited on 2/18 9:25 AM by GYERater
Also liked Paperboy and there was some helicopter game I can't remember the name of that were both awesome!
Should separate the two out....obv NES is going to get the most attention but Sega did play a key role in our generation. It was pretty damn groundbreaking over the graphic/gameplay of NES. Have no idea how much time was devoted to NBA Jam and Griffey baseball...

Will add one NES that never gets the full proper due....Baseball Stars. Revolutionary, really. Team customization and full stats? Yes, sir. We had an NES hooked up to our big screen at UK in the early 2000's for the shear binge drinking/gambol alone. Was hilarious.
Metal Gear
RC Pro Am
RBI Baseball

For a not so common one I loved, Nobunaga's Revenge.
Tecmo Bowl
Mike Tyson's Punchout
Double Dribble
Super Mario Brothers
Super Nintendo all the way. Best system ever.

A Link to the Past
Super Mario World
F Zero
Mario Kart
Ken Griffey Baseball
Super Metroid
Tecmo Super Bowl
Dr. Mario
TMNT first arcade port
Skate or Die
Double Dare
Sky Shark

Sega Genesis
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Streets of Rage
Street Fighter II
World Series Baseball
NES Golf was great. Contra was the best action game and Zelda was the best strategy game, but golf was laid back and fun.
If you're a game nerd like myself and are ever interested in emulation, go to FreeRoms. Both are phenomenal resources for emulators for virtually all legacy systems in addition to roms for every game you can imagine.

Pick up one of these from Best Buy / Amazon and you're all set.

My preferred emulators for Genesis are linked.
Originally posted by Kooky Kats:

Originally posted by UK_ Alum_02:
No Baseball Stars yet?
Oomaga : lefty with devastating curveball.
I mentioned it above. Before it's time. We gambol'd / drank like crazy to that game despite it being the Playstation era.

For gambol purposes, no one in our house could be the Stars. Usually came down to Japan Robbins vs Ninja Blacksox....occasionally somebody would give the Brave Warriors a shot.

In the standard matchup, the NB speed/defense/small ball capabilities was tough but the JR had some pop. The 3 spot batter, Oh, was just a monster at the plate.

No better feeling ever than knowing your foe had poorly managed his pitching staff and his set up man or closer starts hanging some beach balls out there. could be 5 runs down and you both knew the move is coming. JR had a guy Nomura off the bench that clinched many a $ for me coming in to destroy a tired pitcher.

Man, I'm getting pretty amped to play that now.
Two of OP's Sega games weren't exclusive to Sega, and the third (Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball) wasn't even on Sega.
Streets of Rage 2. Great game. Was always hard getting past the baseball level with the flying fat guys. When you would beat that you would be in the elevator with people continuously dropping in.

Good times.
Zelda 1&2
Dragon Warrior
Mario Bros
Final Fantasy 1
Tecmo Bowl
Metal Gear
Tyson's Punch out
Nobunaga's Ambition
Baseball Stars
River City Ransom

Toe Jam and Earl
Phantasy Star

This post was edited on 2/18 3:35 PM by hoojyoutlaw
Baseball Stars was great, but there wasn't a worse feeling in the world than when your NES wouldn't start causing you to have to blow on the game, which often resulted in the memory of the game being wiped. That ruined many a league my neighborhood buddies had going.

By the way, how about some love for the Game Genie. Yeah, the cheats were fun, but using it made my NES actually work most of the time. Revolutionary!
Originally posted by WayneDougan:
Baseball Stars was great, but there wasn't a worse feeling in the world than when your NES wouldn't start causing you to have to blow on the game, which often resulted in the memory of the game being wiped. That ruined many a league my neighborhood buddies had going.

By the way, how about some love for the Game Genie. Yeah, the cheats were fun, but using it made my NES actually work most of the time. Revolutionary!
Know that feeling. Me and my brother would make every team and build them up to where the players should be. Game deletes were awful.
Punch out
Baseball Stars
RBI baseball
Tecmo Super Bowl
Double Dribble
Racing game, think it was called Rad Racer. I played a game a lot called adventure island maybe. It's been so long it's hard to remember.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Some NES games that I liked that's not been mentioned much:

*Wizards and Warriors
*Mario Brothers
*Kung Fu
*Rush'n Attack
*Goonies II
*Ikari Warriors I, II, and III
*Jack Nicklaus Golf
*Black Bass

Favorite would be hard to pick - either Metroid, Zelda, Kid Icarus, or Punchout. Impossible to choose, but I loved knocking Tyson out.
Black Bass was awesome....Dusty Diamonds All Star Softball was another good one I haven't seen mentioned