By far, the greatest scene of all time is from the movie From Justin To Kelly. Starring the winner and runner up from American Idol's first season, the film reached such an apex in cinematic perfection that the two stars would never work in film again, as there was nothing left to prove of their thespianic chops. The scene that stands out, among many, is the one in which it looks as though all is lost between the burgeoning couple's love. A scene which has driven people mad with depression and caused several movie goers to end their own lives prematurely before viewing the denouement of this masterpiece. I give you, From Justin To Kelly ...
Justin: To break us up, Kelly! Listen, if anybody's gonna be mad around here, it should be me. You've been hot and cold. First you're blowing me off, and then you're leaving me these messages.
Kelly: What messages?
Justin: That's exactly what I'm talking about. And you accuse me of being a player. Well, you're the one playing games, Kelly. You know what? Game over.
Game over indeed, Sir Guarini. Even still, I weep as I write those words from memory, despite knowing that love, and music, will eventually win out. If you have but fours hours left to live on this earth, I implore you to watch this film ... twice.