Funny videos on YouTube re: Lebron


Oct 29, 2004
Several vids are posted, basically raking LBJ over the coals. Some show a compilation of his Oscar-worthy flops, others show taking 3+ steps on the way to the basket with no call, turning the ball over and then standing at the opposite end watching the other team score off the TO, etc.

I know he's great but, especially later in his career, he's been a coach/GM killer, a teammate who turns others into statues standing around the 3-point line, a chronic bitcher about the refs who basically let him do whatever he wants, etc.

Not sure this late in his career you can say he makes his teammates better. You can argue he still does and that make be correct to some extent. But surely not to the same degree he did early in his career.

Just think the vids are funny.
Jimmy Fallon What GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
I've seen >15 vids that I've watched so I'm not going to post dozens.

Just go to Angry Old Hoops Fan on YT. Lots of shorts, lots of 4 min vids. Most of them are attempting to explode the LBJ narrative.
Several vids are posted, basically raking LBJ over the coals. Some show a compilation of his Oscar-worthy flops, others show taking 3+ steps on the way to the basket with no call, turning the ball over and then standing at the opposite end watching the other team score off the TO, etc.

I know he's great but, especially later in his career, he's been a coach/GM killer, a teammate who turns others into statues standing around the 3-point line, a chronic bitcher about the refs who basically let him do whatever he wants, etc.

Not sure this late in his career you can say he makes his teammates better. You can argue he still does and that make be correct to some extent. But surely not to the same degree he did early in his career.

Just think the vids are funny.
Maybe just post one or two videos so we can start bashing LJ....
It's just too hard to defends him at this point.

He'd probably be considered the GOAT and almost universally loved, if he just kept his mouth shut 95% of the time and didn't try to chase rings.
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