From a Duke fan

Mar 25, 2015
you guys had an amazing year, i really wanted it to be y'all and us...

would have been the greatest ratings ever for a final....
Dude, get off our freaking board.

Do you want a pat on the back and a hearty handshake for being such a good fan? Ah, what a good sport! How noble of you!

Take your self-pleasing &#*@ and cram it.
guys lay off...

it's not his fault our guys couldn't hold on to a rebound or the fact that apparently no one has ever heard of not switching on a screen so guards aren't mismatched with 7 footers...
This post was edited on 4/4 11:42 PM by truebluewildcat
Thank you op, don't listen to the other posters. My lord some of you guys need to get off the computer for the night...
Originally posted by meteordealer:
I'd rather go 29-11 and win the Title than go undefeated and lose in the Final Four.
Me too. I don't think I can take another year like this. Whatever. I don't WTF about anything right now.
Originally posted by carbonlib23:
you guys had an amazing year, i really wanted it to be y'all and us...

would have been the greatest ratings ever for a final....
Honestly it's probably not the best time to come over and post something like this, but good luck on Monday night.
Originally posted by carbonlib23:
you guys had an amazing year, i really wanted it to be y'all and us...

would have been the greatest ratings ever for a final....
I was going to be nice, but nope, you need to piss off and go away. I surmise that you're a bandwagon Duke fan who decided to make an account so he can troll UK fans. Douche. I guess we know how Duke fans felt (if you are a true Duke fan; you're likely a Louisville fan, or a Kentucky fan who jumped off the bandwagon). GSAD, douche.
I always heard you're only a LOSER if you show no class when the other team wins.

Guess tonight most in this thread (& several players who didn't shake hands) both lost the game AND are losers.

Love UK sports, but MAN do I get embarrassed constantly by the people I cheer along with sometimes.
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Originally posted by truebluewildcat:
guys lay off...

it's not his fault are guys couldn't hold on to a rebound or the fact that apparently no one has ever heard of not switching on a screen so guards aren't mismatched with 7 footers...
There is one small problem; this guy made this account and his first post isn't on a Duke board, but on a Kentucky board after a loss. F*** him. It's not because he's a supposed Duke fan.
Originally posted by brian.mikeson:
I always heard you're only a LOSER if you show no class when the other team wins.

Guess tonight most in this thread (& several players who didn't shake hands) both lost the game AND are losers.

Love UK sports, but MAN do I get embarrassed constantly by the people I cheer along with sometimes.
I never use post-counts, but this guy just made this handle to troll UK fans. This was his first post. Seriously?
We got beat and should have won but we did not take care of business when it counted. Not,the op's fault. In the end,we beat ourselves.
actually, i created the account a while back, but just now got authorized to post...

sorry for the well intended post....
Originally posted by carbonlib23:
actually, i created the account a while back, but just now got authorized to post...

sorry for the well intended post....
Thanks for the kind words Duke fan, we need them right now. Hope you stomp the Badgers Monday night cause we all hate them right now.
Originally posted by carbonlib23:
actually, i created the account a while back, but just now got authorized to post...

sorry for the well intended post....
No offense, but I am calling BS. Is it just a coincidence that you create this username through the Duke board, and your first post is on a KENTUCKY board after a loss? I am quite shocked with how many heads that this flew over. I was going to be decent, until I realized that this was your first time you posted under this username. Even if what you said was true, it's a really dumb idea to pose as a Duke fan, and make your first post on another team's message board after a loss. What you did screams "troll!!". No one can understand anyone's true intent, and if that was your intent, I'm sorry, but I just don't buy it. BTW- I couldn't care less who wins tomorrow. I. Just. Don't. Care.

I am sorry for the name-calling; I never do it, but I lost it when I realized the circumstances. However, what you did, in those set of circumstances was a bad idea.

This post was edited on 4/5 10:13 AM by lakercat

This post was edited on 4/5 10:13 AM by lakercat
I still think that the final four should be reseeded and I might be wrong but didn't the NCAA do this for a couple of years. If reseeded this year we would have started with Mich. State and how they played and didn't show up we would have beaten Mich. State. The reseed would have put the overall #1 Kentucky vs. #7 Mich State and then Duke vs. Wisc. I thought a few years back they tried the reseed a couple of times at the Final Four.
Originally posted by UK Widget:

Thank you op, don't listen to the other posters. My lord some of you guys need to get off the computer for the night...
Agreed. Thanks for the congrats OP, and ignore the others saying mean things at you.
If the guy wanted to troll the board he could have done it in a better way.

Some of you need to relax goodness. It was a disappointing ending but still an amazing season.
actually, i created the account a while back, but just now got authorized to post...

sorry for the well intended post....

Well, now that the site tells when someone made their handle, I can now confirm that you were full of s***. Dukie makes a handle during the tournament, when Duke was already in the Sweet 16. People wondered why I was so mean; I haven't forgotten. This thread were his first posts. Here is one confirmed troll. Carbonlib23, nice try, but I could read right through the BS when others couldn't. Nah, I'm not sorry.
Good lord some people are immature. Thanks OP. Could have been much, much better, but it was a terrific season.
Dear op, although your intentions maybe good, you coming over here doesn't score a whole lot of points on here. Had the tables turned you sure as hell know you wouldn't be over here to say great season. It's funny how bobby knight hasn't said two words about saint k winning it with freshman yet if cal does it, it's ruining college basketball